Workflow Manager のライセンスで利用可能。
Naming schemes allow administrators to configure exactly how certain elements in Workflow Manager (Classic) are named and use dynamic properties in the names. The elements that support naming schemes are as follows:
- Job MXDs
- Geodatabase versions
- Jobs
The naming schemes are a combination of fixed text and tokens. These can be combined to produce a highly informative name for the elements. Complete these steps to configure job type naming schemes:
- Start ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database
- Expand Job Components > Job Types.
- Right-click the job type for which you want to configure a naming scheme and click Edit Item.
The Job Type dialog box appears.
- Click the Naming tab.
- Use tokens to supplement the naming.
For example, using [JOB:ID] and [SYS:CUR_DATE] would result in generating the following names:
- Job Name—WO_PARCELS_1567_05/01/2008
- Job Version Name—PARCELS_1567
- Job MXD Name—WO_DOC_PARCELS_1567
- Specify the names for the Extended Properties tab and Related Properties tab and click OK.