Edit map properties

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Workflow Manager のライセンスで利用可能。

The properties of the maps added to the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository can be modified at a later time. For example, the name or the description can be changed after it has been added.

  1. Start ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
  2. Expand Maps.
  3. Right-click the map you want to edit and click Edit Item.

    The Workflow Manager Map dialog box appears.


    For ArcGIS Pro maps (.mapx) stored in Workflow Manager (Classic) repository and ArcGIS Pro map(.mapx), layouts (.pagx), or web maps stored in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, only the Name, Description, Category and URL fields can be edited.

  4. Update map properties as necessary and click OK.

    Changes are saved and preserved on the map.