An overview of the Image Analysis geoprocessing functions

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Image Analyst ライセンスで利用できます。

The ArcPy Image Analysis module provides a set of image analysis and modeling geoprocessing functions for both raster (cell-based) and feature (vector) data.

The capabilities of the ArcPy Image Analysis module are grouped into categories of related functionality. Knowing the categories will help you identify which geoprocessing function to use. The table at the end of this section lists all the available analytical categories with a description of the capabilities offered by the geoprocessing functions in each.

For most geoprocessing functions that generate a raster output, the output is a temporary raster object on disk. To make it permanent, you can call the raster object's save method. Based on the workspace and the extension specified, the output format will vary; see Output raster formats and names for more information.

The geoprocessing functions in the ArcPy Image Analysis module require the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension.

Image Analysis geoprocessing functions

The functional categories of the ArcPy Image Analysis module are described below.

Geoprocessing functional categoryDescription

Change Detection

The Change Detection geoprocessing function category contains a function for extracting change information from multiple rasters over time. Additional capabilities for detecting change across a time series of images are available in the Multidimensional Analysis geoprocessing functions.

Classification and Pattern Recognition

The geoprocessing functions in the Classification and Pattern Recognition category can be used to perform classification and regression analysis workflows, including accuracy assessment. Capabilities include multispectral image segmentation, training sample generation and evaluation, pixel and object-oriented machine learning classification, and quantitative accuracy assessment of results.

Deep learning

The Deep Learning geoprocessing functions allow you to train a deep learning model, detect specific features in an image, classify pixels in a raster dataset.


The Extraction geoprocessing functions allow you to extract a subset of pixels from a raster by the pixels' attributes or their spatial location.

Map Algebra

Map Algebra is a way to perform spatial analysis by creating expressions in an algebraic language. With the Raster Calculator geoprocessing function, you can create and run Map Algebra expressions that output a raster dataset.

Math (general)

一般的な算術演算ジオプロセシング機能は、数学関数を入力値に適用します。 これらのジオプロセシング機能は、いくつかのカテゴリに分類されます。 算術ジオプロセシング機能は、加算や乗算などの基本的な数学演算を実行します。 また、基本的な乗数演算に加えて、指数や対数など、さまざまな種類の指数演算を実行するジオプロセシング機能があります。 他には、符号変換や、整数と浮動小数点のデータ タイプ間の変換に使用するジオプロセシング機能があります。

Math: Conditional

条件ジオプロセシング機能では、入力値の条件に基づいて出力値を制御できます。 適用できる条件には、属性検索によるものと、リスト内の条件ステートメントにおける順番に基づいたものの 2 種類があります。

Math: Logical

論理演算ジオプロセシング機能は、入力値を評価し、ブール型ロジックに基づいて出力値を決定します。 ジオプロセシング機能は次の 4 つの主なカテゴリに分類されています。ブール、結合、論理、関係です。

Math: Trigonometric


Motion Imagery

The Motion Imagery geoprocessing functions can be used for managing, processing, and analyzing motion imagery, including full-motion video data.

Multidimensional Analysis

The Multidimensional Analysis geoprocessing functions allow you to perform various multidimensional analyses on scientific raster data across multiple variables and dimensions.


The Overlay geoprocessing functions can be used to weight and overlay several rasters to create a single summary raster.


The Statistical geoprocessing functions perform statistical operations on raster data.

Image Analysis geoprocessing functional categories

  1. Image Analysis geoprocessing functions