Reassign routes

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Location Referencing ライセンスで利用可能です。

Reassignment is the technique by which all or a portion of a route or line is moved, or reassigned, to the immediate upstream or downstream of another route or line. One example of a route reassignment is to split your routes or lines and merge (assign) them to another route or line after a pipeline has changed operation or ownership. Another example is to redesignate a portion of a pipe that falls on the other side of a boundary after an administrative boundary change.

In addition to route reassignment, the Reassign Route tool can update attribute fields and calibration points and apply user-configured event behaviors located along the reassigned route.

Scenarios that can be accomplished using the reassign activity are described below.


For all of the following scenarios, you can choose entire routes or partial routes.

Merging multiple routes to a new route

RouteX, RouteY, and RouteZ are consecutive routes that belong to the same line. You can use the Reassign Route tool to merge all of them together into a new route, RouteXYZ, that belongs to the same line. RouteXYZ gets the line order of the first route that was used for merging, that is RouteX. RouteX, RouteY, and RouteZ get retired as a result of this operation. You can choose new start and end measure values for RouteXYZ.

Merge multiple routes to a new route that has an autogenerated route ID on a line network
Newly merged route on a line network


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure




RouteXYZ (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Merging routes to an existing route

RouteX, RouteY, and RouteZ are consecutive routes that belong to the same line. You can use the Reassign Route tool to merge all of them together to route RouteZ that belongs to the same line. RouteX, RouteY, and RouteZ get retired as a result of this operation. The new RouteZ gets the line order of the first route that was used for merging, that is RouteX. In this case, the reassign portion will be from the start of RouteX to the end of RouteY. You are allowed to merge the reassigned portion to any immediate upstream or downstream route.

Input for merging to an existing route
Output for merging to an existing route


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure





From Measure


To Measure


Splitting an existing route

RouteXYZ has measures from 0 to 30. As shown in this example, you can split the route into two: Route1, which is a new route, and a new version of RouteXYZ. The existing RouteXYZ retires as a result of this operation. Route1 gets the line order of RouteXYZ, and the new version of RouteXYZ gets the next line order value. For example, if the line order of RouteXYZ was 100 before the reassignment, after the reassignment, Route1 gets the line order of 100 and the new RouteXYZ gets the line order of 200.

Splitting an existing route that has an auto-generated route ID on a line network
Newly split existing route that has an auto-generated route ID


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure




Route1 (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Renaming a route

You can rename an existing route and change its start and end measure values with the help of the Reassign Route tool. RouteXYZ is renamed to Route123 and with new measures. The line order remains the same. The existing RouteXYZ retires as a result of this operation.

Renaming a route that has an autogenerated route ID on a line network
Newly renamed route that has an autogenerated route ID


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure




Route123 (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Transferring a route to another line

Routes can be transferred entirely or partially to a new line. In this case, the reassign portion should be either on the upstream or downstream ends of the target line or in the immediate upstream or downstream of a gap between routes in the target line. As shown in the example, the red routes belong to Line1 and the green route belongs to Line2. You can take RouteY from Line1 and reassign it as a new route, Route2, on Line2. RouteY gets retired and Route 2 gets a line order next to that of Route1 as a result of this operation.

Transferring a route that has an autogenerated route ID to another line
Newly transferred route that has an autogenerated route ID


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure




Route2 (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Transferring calibration points to a target route

Routes may have calibration points between the start and end of the route to maintain known measures between points. In that case, when reassigning the route, there is an option to transfer the calibration points contained in the reassigned portion to the target route. The black dots depict the location of calibration points transferred with the reassignment.


The option to transfer calibration points to a target route during reassignment is checked by default and is the preferred method to maintain established measures.

Transferring calibration points to a target route
Newly transferred calibration points


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure




RouteXYZ (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Downstream recalibration

The following examples describe recalibrating downstream. You can reassign routes with the source route calibrated or not calibrated downstream.

Reassignment with the source route not calibrated downstream

In this case, RouteX is split into two routes: Route1, which begins at the start of the old RouteX and ends at the middle of the old RouteX. The to measure value of the newly created Route1 has been changed to 3 instead of the suggested measure of 5. Since the Recalibrate route downstream check box is unchecked for the source route, the downstream route's (RouteX) measures remain intact.

Reassignment with the source route not calibrated downstream
Newly reassigned section with the source route not calibrated downstream


From Route


From Measure


To Route (option only for networks with lines)


To Measure




Route1 (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Reassignment with the source route calibrated downstream

In this case, RouteX is split into two routes: Route1, which starts at the beginning of the old RouteX and ends at the middle of the old RouteX. The to measure value of the newly created Route1 has been changed to 3 instead of the suggested measure of 5. If the Recalibrate route downstream check box is unchecked for the source route, the downstream route RouteX’s measures change to the from measure value of 0 and to measure value of 5.

Reassignment with the source route calibrated downstream
Newly reassigned section with the source route calibrated downstream


From Route


From Measure


To Route (option only for networks with lines)


To Measure




Route1 (new)

From Measure


To Measure


Reassignment with the target route calibrated downstream

In this case, a part of RouteX is merged with the adjoining route, RouteY. The reassignment takes place from the middle of RouteX on the downstream side. Since the Recalibrate route downstream check box is unchecked for the target route, the measure of RouteY downstream of the reassigned portion is recalibrated. The new version of RouteY now has a to measure value of 9.

Reassignment with the target route calibrated downstream
Newly reassigned section with the target route calibrated downstream


From Route


From Measure


To Measure





From Measure


To Measure


Complex route reassignment scenarios

The following examples present scenarios for reassignment on complex routes and shapes, including loop, lollipop, branch, and barbell shapes.

Reassignment resulting in a loop

In the following example, RouteX and RouteY are merged to create a loop route after reassignment. RouteX has measures 0 to 2 and RouteY has measures 2 to 4.

Example 1: Input for reassignment resulting in a loop


From Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, a calibration point is added at measure 1 and RouteY is recalibrated with measures 0 to 4.

Example 1: Output for reassignment resulting in a loop

Split an existing loop

In the following example, a route (RouteX) on a loop with measures 0 to 12 is split and the edit section is reassigned to a new route (RouteY).

Example 1: Input for split an existing loop


From Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, RouteY is created with measures 0 to 4. The calibration point formerly at 8 is updated to 4 and RouteX is recalibrated with measures 0 to 8.

RouteX retains its line order (100), while the new RouteY is assigned line order 200.

Example 1: Output for split an existing loop

Reassignment resulting in a lollipop

In the following example, a loop route (RouteX) is merged with a simple route (RouteY) to create a lollipop route after reassignment. RouteX has measures 0 to 4 and RouteY has measures 0 to 1.

Example 1: Input for reassignment resulting in a lollipop


From Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, the resulting lollipop route (RouteY) has updated measures 0 to 5.

The line order for RouteY is updated from 200 to 100.

Example 1: Output for reassignment resulting in a lollipop

Split an existing lollipop

In the following example, the stick portion of a lollipop route (RouteX) is split and reassigned to an existing route (RouteY). RouteX has measures 0 to 5 and RouteY has measures 0 to 1.

Example 1: Input for split an existing lollipop


From Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, both routes are recalibrated. The updated simple route (RouteY) has measures 0 to 2, while the loop route (RouteX) has measures 0 to 4.

The line order for the two routes remains the same.

Example 1: Output for split an existing lollipop

In the following example, part of a lollipop route (RouteX) is split and reassigned to a new route (RNew). RouteX has measures 0 to 15.

Example 2: Input for split an existing lollipop


From Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, a simple route (RNew) created from the edit section has measures 0 to 4, while the branch route (RouteX) has measures 0 to 12.

The line order for RouteX remains 100, while the new route's line order is 200.

Example 2: Output for split an existing lollipop

Merge multiple routes to create a barbell

In the following example, a loop route (RouteX) with measures 0 to 4 is merged with a lollipop route (RouteY) with measures 0 to 5.

Example 1: Input for merge multiple routes to create a barbell


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



Target Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, a new barbell route (RNew) is created from the merged routes. RNew has recalibrated measures 0 to 9.

The new route has line order 100.

Example 1: Output for merge multiple routes to create a barbell

Merge simple routes to create a branch

In the following example, two simple routes (RouteY and RouteZ) are merged with a third simple route (RouteX) to create a branch route after reassignment. RouteY and RouteZ have contiguous measures of 0 to 5 and 5 to 10, respectively, while RouteX has measures 0 to 6.

Example 1: Input for merge simple routes to create a branch


From Route


From Measure


To Route


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, RouteY and RouteZ are merged with RouteX to create a branch route that has recalibrated measures 0 to 16.

The line order for the remaining route remains 100.

Example 1: Output for merge simple routes to create a branch

Split an infinity route

In the following example, an existing infinity route (RouteX) with measures 0 to 24 is split to create an alpha route and a new simple route (RNew).

Example 1: Input for split an infinity route


From Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate source route



To Route


From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate target route


After reassignment, RouteX is an alpha route with measures 0 to 18, and the new route (RNew) has measures 0 to 6.

The line order for RouteX remains 100, while RNew has line order 200.

Example 1: Output for split an infinity route

Parameters in the networks

The following tables describe the parameters used in the Reassign Route tool.

For a network that supports lines



The network that supports lines in which the routes exist.

Effective Date

This is the date when the reassignment has taken place on the ground.

Source Route: From Route Name

The route where the reassignment starts.

Source Route: From Measure

The measure on the source route where the reassignment starts; shown by the green dot.

Source Route: To Route Name

The route where the reassignment ends. For example, the reassignment takes place on a single route, and the source route and target route will be the same. The source routes should belong to the same line.

Source Route: To Measure

The measure on the source route where the reassignment ends; shown by the red dot.

Target Route: Route Name

The route to which the reassigned portion will be added. This can also be a new route.

Target Route: From Measure

The starting measure on the reassigned portion.

Target Route: To Measure

The ending measure on the reassigned portion.

Parameters used for networks that support lines
Parameters used for networks that support lines.

For continuous networks



The network in which the continuous routes exist.

Effective Date

This is the date when the reassignment has taken place on the ground.

Source Route: Route Name

The route where the reassignment starts.

Source Route: From Measure

The measure on the source route where the reassignment starts; shown by the green dot.

Source Route: To Measure

The measure on the source route where the reassignment ends; shown by the red dot.

Target Route: Route Name

The route to which the reassigned portion will be added to. This can also be a new route.

Target Route: From Measure

The starting measure on the reassigned portion.

Target Route: To Measure

The ending measure on the reassigned portion.

Reassign Route pane with autogenerated Route ID
The Reassign Route pane on a Continuous network.


If your network has attribute fields other than the system-defined fields, you can either transfer the existing values of the source route or type new values into the Reassign Route pane. The existing values of the source route are populated by default.

If the reassignment spans multiple routes, the values from the first from value of the route will be populated by default.

This attribute section also supports domains and subtypes.


The field alias appears in the Reassign Route pane rather than the field name.

The following steps can be used to implement any reassign scenario.


Gap calibration rules are followed when editing routes.

  1. Add the network feature class to a map.

    You can also open a map in which the network feature class is already present.


    Traditionally versioned networks must be edited through a direct connection to the geodatabase. Branch-versioned networks, including any network configured with a user-generated route ID, must be edited through a feature service.

  2. Zoom in to the location where you want to reassign the route.
  3. Click the Reassign button 再割り当て on the Location Referencing tab.

    The Reassign Route pane appears.

  4. Click the Network drop-down arrow and choose the network in which the route reassignment will take place.

    To edit using feature services, the LRS Network must be published with the linear referencing and version management capabilities.

  5. Click the Effective Date drop-down arrow and choose a date for the edit.
    • Optionally, type the date in the Effective Date text box.
    • Double-click the empty Effective Date text box to populate it with today's date.
  6. In the Source Route section, click the Choose route from map button マップからルートを選択 and click the route on the map to populate From Route Name.
  7. Provide a from measure value for the route using one of the following options:

    Type a measure.

    Type a from measure value in the From Measure text box.

    Choose the from measure value on the map.

    Click the Choose measure from map button マップからメジャー値を選択 and click a measure on the map.

    Use the route start as the from measure value.

    Check the Use route start measure check box.

    A green dot is placed at the location. The reassignment starts from this location.

  8. Click the Choose route from map button マップからルートを選択 and click the route on the map to populate To Route Name.
  9. Provide a to measure value using one of the following options:

    Type a measure.

    Type a to measure value in the To Measure text box.

    Choose the to measure value on the map.

    Click the Choose measure from map button マップからメジャー値を選択 and click a measure on the map.

    Use the route end as the to measure value.

    Check the Use route end measure check box.

    A red dot is placed at the location. The reassignment takes place on the routes or the portions of routes that exist between the green and red dots. The routes that are intersected by the reassignment portion are retired.

  10. Choose whether to recalibrate the remainder of the reassigned route downstream of the reassigned portion.
    • Check the Recalibrate route downstream check box to recalibrate the remainder of the reassigned route downstream of the reassigned portion.
    • Uncheck the Recalibrate route downstream check box if you do not want to recalibrate the remainder of the reassigned route downstream of the reassigned portion.
  11. In the Target Route section, click the Choose route from map button to choose the target route.

    You can also type a new route name to reassign to a new route.

  12. Provide a from measure value for the target route reassignment location using one of the following options:

    Type a from measure value.

    Type a value in the From Measure text box.

    Get a suggested value if you do not know the from measure value.

    Click the Recalculate From Measure button 開始メジャー値の再計算. The from measure value is calculated as the source measure length minus the to measure value.


    • If you are filling a gap, this value is equal to the measure at the beginning of the gap.
    • If you are adding the reassigned route to the end of the target route, this value is equal to the end measure of the target route.
    • If you are creating a route or adding the reassigned portion to the beginning of the target route, this value is 0.


    For the line network, the measures can be entered as station values in 00+00.00 or 00+00.000 format.

  13. Provide the to measure value of the target route reassignment location using one of the following options:

    Type a measure.

    Type a to measure value in the To Measure text box.

    Choose the to measure value on the map.

    Click the Choose measure from map button マップからメジャー値を選択 and click a measure on the map.

    Get a suggested value if you don't know the to measure value.

    Click the Recalculate To Measure button 終了メジャー値の再計算. The to measure value is calculated as the source measure length minus the from measure value.


    • If you are filling a gap, this value is equal to the measure at the end of the gap.
    • If you are creating a route or adding the reassigned value to the end of the target route, this value is equal to the new end measure of the route.
    • If you are adding the reassigned route to the beginning of the target route, this value is equal to the total length in the linear referencing method (LRM) measure units of the reassigned portion.

  14. Choose whether you want to recalibrate the remainder of the reassigned route downstream of the reassigned portion.
    • Check the Recalibrate route downstream check box to recalibrate the remainder of the reassigned route downstream of the reassigned portion.
    • Uncheck the Recalibrate route downstream check box if you do not want to recalibrate the remainder of the reassigned route downstream of the reassigned portion.
  15. Choose whether to transfer the source calibration points to the target route.

    The Transfer calibration points to the target route check box is checked by default and is the preferred method to maintain established measures between points.


    All of the calibration points between and including the from measure and to measure values, even those spanning routes in between, are included in the transfer of calibration points to the target route.

    The Reassign Route pane is fully populated.

  16. Click Next.

    The route is reassigned.


    If a message about acquiring locks or reconciling appears, conflict prevention is enabled.