Calculate Metrics (Topographic Production)

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Populates metrics for features in a geodatabase. Metrics include length, width, area, and elevation attributes.


  • Supported feature attribute metrics include the following:

    • Angle of Orientation—The default attributes are AOO, DOF, and FEO.
    • Area—The default attributes are ARA, ARE, and ARE_.
    • Elevation—The default attributes are ZV2 and ZVH (must be z-enabled data).
    • Length—The default attributes are LEG, LEN, LEN_, LGN, and LZN.
    • Width—The default attributes are WID, WID_, and WGP.

  • Input metric types are processed based on the geometry of the feature class:

    • Points—Elevation
    • Lines—Length and Elevation
    • Polygons—Length, Width, Area, Angle of Orientation, and Elevation

  • The Input Length Attributes, Input Width Attributes, Input Area Attributes, Input Angle of Orientation Attributes, and Input Elevation Attributes parameters reference a comma-delimited list of field names in your data model. If one or more fields exist in Input Features, the field will be calculated according to the metrics chosen in the Input Metric Types parameter.

  • You can add your own field names to the list of options in the Input Length Attributes, Input Width Attributes, Input Area Attributes, Input Angle of Orientation Attributes, and Input Elevation Attributes parameters. This tool will attempt to compute metrics in your custom field.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Features

The features on which metrics will be calculated.

Feature Layer
Input Metric Types

Specifies the types of metrics to calculate, including angle of orientation, area, elevation, length, and width.

  • Angle of orientationCalculate angle of orientation metrics
  • AreaCalculate area metrics
  • ElevationCalculate elevation metrics
  • LengthCalculate length metrics
  • WidthCalculate width metrics
Input Length Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the length metrics will be calculated. The default is LEG,LEN,LEN_,LGN,LZN. You can add the names of other length metric fields; if the fields exist in Input Features, they will be computed.

Input Width Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the width metrics will be calculated. The default is WID,WID_,WGP. You can add the names of other width metric fields; if the fields exist in Input Features, they will be computed.

Input Area Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the area metrics will be calculated. The default is ARA,ARE,ARE_. You can add the names of other area metric fields; if the fields exist in Input Features, they will be computed.

Input Angle of Orientation Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the angle of orientation metrics will be calculated. The default is AOO,DOF,FEO. You can add the names of other angle of orientation metric fields; if the fields exist in Input Features, they will be computed.

Input Elevation Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the elevation metrics will be calculated. The default is ZV2,ZVH. You can add the names of other elevation metric fields; if the fields exist in Input Features, they will be computed.

Input Floating Point Precision

The precision of the metrics written to the target attributes.



ラベル説明データ タイプ
Output Features

The features on which metrics were calculated.

Feature Layer




  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Production Mapping
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Production Mapping
