Generate Adjoining Sheets Features (Topographic Production)

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Generates features necessary for display in a typical topographic map adjoining sheets diagram.

Features generated include: sheet polygons for labeling, sheet lines for symbolizing sheets from different series uniquely, coastal polygons for displaying open water with coastal polylines for displaying shoreline, and a calculated area of interest (AOI) for generating a feature grid for the diagram.


  • At a minimum, the following feature classes will be created in the target feature dataset:

    • ASG_AOI

  • If input land features are provided, the ASG_COAST_A feature class will be created if the supplied land features do not fully cover the calculated AOI for the adjoining sheets diagram. If the ASG_COAST_A feature class is created, the tool will also create the ASG_COAST_L feature class and calculate and clip coastline features for display in the adjoining sheets diagram.

  • Area of Interest must have only one selected feature.

  • Attributes from the Area of Interest feature layer will be copied to the output ASG_SHEETS_A and ASG_SHEETS_L feature classes to support labeling and display requirements within the adjoining sheets diagram.

  • The Scale and Area of Interest parameters are used together to locate surrounding areas of interest. The extent of the Area of Interest is expanded by a factor specified in MIL-T-89301A for scale 1:50000 or MIL-T-89306 for scale 1:100000. For scale 1:25000, the factor is interpreted from MIL-T-89301A. The expanded extent is used to select adjoining areas of interest to include in the adjoining sheets diagram.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Feature Dataset

An existing feature dataset that will contain the ASG_ feature classes. The tool will create these feature classes if they do not exist.

Feature Dataset
Area Of Interest

A feature layer with a single selected feature used to identify the center and surrounding AOIs. Adjoining sheets features will be created from the selected AOI and the intersecting AOIs as required.

Feature Layer
Input Land Features

Land features used to generate adjoining sheets features in the ASG_COAST_A and ASG_COAST_L feature classes in the target feature dataset.

Feature Layer

Defines a factor by which the extent of the Area of Interest is expanded. The expanded extent is used to select adjoining AOIs. Data from the adjoining AOIs is included in the adjoining sheets diagram.

  • 1:25000Uses specification MIL-T-89301A as a guide to determine how to expand the width and height of the extent of the Area of Interest.
  • 1:50000Uses specification MIL-T-89301A to determine how to expand the width and height of the extent of the Area of Interest. This is the default.
  • 1:100000Uses specification MIL-T-89306 to determine how to expand the width and height of the extent of the Area of Interest.
Clip AOI to Sheets

Determines if the AOI created for the extent of the adjoining sheets diagram will be clipped to the extents of the sheets to be displayed. If the Clip AOI to Sheets check box is checked, the AOI for the adjoining sheets diagram will be modified from its originally calculated rectangular shape to include any irregular map sheet extents that will be included or excluded in the diagram.

  • Clip area of interestThe AOI feature will be clipped by the sheets to be displayed in the adjoining sheet diagram and may have an irregular shape. This is the default.
  • Don't clip area of interestThe AOI feature will not be clipped and will retain its originally calculated rectangular shape. This may result in partial sheets being displayed in the adjoining sheets diagram.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Modified Feature Dataset

The feature dataset with updated ASG features.

Feature Dataset




  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Production Mapping
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Production Mapping
