
この ArcGIS 2.9 ドキュメントはアーカイブされており、今後更新されません。 コンテンツとリンクが古い場合があります。 最新のドキュメントをご参照ください


The CreateImageSDDraft function is the first step to automating the publishing of a mosaic dataset or raster dataset as an Image Service using ArcPy. The output created from the CreateImageSDDraft is a Service Definition Draft (.sddraft) file, which is a combination of a mosaic dataset in the geodatabase or a raster dataset, information about the server, and a set of service properties. This service definition draft can be staged as service definition then uploaded to a specified ArcGIS server as an image service.


Service Definition Draft (.sddraft) files must be converted into Service Definition (.sd) files before they can be use to publish for ArcGIS Server. These functions are not included in ArcGIS Pro at this time. ArcGIS Desktop is required to stage and publish.

Information about the server includes the server connection or server type being published to, the type of service being published, metadata for the service (Item info), and data references (whether or not data is being copied to the server).


A draft service definition does not contain data. A draft service alone cannot be used to publish a service.


CreateImageSDDraft (raster_or_mosaic_layer, out_sddraft, service_name, {server_type}, {connection_file_path}, {copy_data_to_server}, {folder_name}, {summary}, {tags})
パラメーター説明データ タイプ

The raster layer or mosaic layer that you want to publish.


A string that represents the path and file name for the output Service Definition Draft (.sddraft) file.


A string that represents the name of the service. This is the name people will see and use to identify the service. The name can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. No spaces or special characters are allowed. The name cannot be more than 120 characters in length.


A string representing the server type. If a connection_file_path parameter is not supplied, then a server_type must be provided. If a connection_file_path parameter is supplied, then the server_type is taken from the connection file. In this case, you can choose FROM_CONNECTION_FILE or skip the parameter entirely.

  • ARCGIS_SERVERArcGIS Server server type.
  • FROM_CONNECTION_FILEGet the server_type as specified in the connection_file_path parameter.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです ARCGIS_SERVER)


A string that represents the path and file name to the ArcGIS Server connection file (.ags).

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)


A Boolean that indicates whether the source data referenced by the mosaic dataset, the mosaic dataset itself, or the raster dataset published as an image service will be copied to the server or not.

The copy_data_to_server parameter is only used if the server_type is ARCGIS_SERVER and the connection_file_path isn't specified. If the connection_file_path is specified, then the server's registered data stores are used. For example, if the workspace that contains the source data referenced by the mosaic dataset—the mosaic dataset itself or raster dataset registered with the server—then copy_data_to_server will always be False. Conversely, if the workspace that contains the source data referenced by the mosaic dataset—the mosaic dataset or raster dataset is not registered with the server—then copy_data_to_server will always be True.

  • FalseThe data will not be copied to the server. This is the default.
  • TrueThe data will be copied to the server.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです False)


A string that represents a folder name to which you want to publish the service definition. If the folder does not currently exist, it will be created. The default folder is the server root level.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)


A string that represents the Item Description Summary.

Use this parameter to override the user interface summary or to provide a summary if one does not exist.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)


A string that represents the Item Description Tags.

Use this parameter to override the user interface tags or to provide tags if they do not exist.

(デフォルト値は次のとおりです None)



CreateImageSDDraft example 1

Create an image service definition draft file.

import arcpy

ws = "C:/workspace"
mdpath = os.path.join(ws, "fgdb.gdb/mdDEM")      
con = os.path.join(ws, "myserver_6080 (publisher).ags")
service = 'dem_service'
sddraft = os.path.join(ws, service + '.sddraft')

arcpy.CreateImageSDDraft(mdpath, sddraft, service, 'ARCGIS_SERVER', 
                         con, True, None, "Publish las MD", 
                         "las,image service")
