FAA 13A Runway Protection Surfaces (Aviation)

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Aviation Airports ライセンスで利用できます。

Aviation Charting ライセンスで利用できます。


Generates runway protection surfaces based on FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A.

Safe and efficient landing and takeoff operations at an airport require that certain areas on and near the airport are clear of objects or restricted to objects with a certain function, composition, or height. These clearing standards and criteria are established to create a safer environment for the aircraft operating on or near the airport.


  • This tool generates runway protection surfaces based on design matrices defined by the FAA. A design matrix consists of an approach category and approach design group. You can choose the design matrix to use for your surfaces by setting the Approach Category and Approach Design Group parameters.

    Some design matrices only apply to aircraft under 12,500 pounds. You can use the Small Aircraft parameter to specify the design matrix for a small aircraft.

    Learn more about FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A standards

  • The Input Runway Features parameter value must be z-enabled.

  • The Output OIS Features parameter value must be z-enabled.

  • This tool creates the runway protection area surface in an existing polygon or multipatch feature class. If a feature class is used for the Target OIS Features parameter value, it must have a vertical spatial reference. It should have Name and Description text attributes, which will be populated in the output features. Suitable Target OIS Features parameter values can be the following features classes from the Airports 18B schema(Airports18B_NAD83_GX.xml): Airspace\ObstructionIdSurface, ObstructionIdSurface_MP, or RunwayProtectArea.

  • If the Runway End Features parameter is specified, the corresponding field values in this layer will override the values specified in the Approach Category, Aircraft Design Group, and Approach Guidance. parameters. This is useful for providing specific input per runway end. The Airfield\RunwayEnd feature class is suitable input for this parameter with the following fields populated: Approach Category, Approach Guidance, and Design Group.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Runway Features

The input runway dataset. The feature class must be z-enabled and contain polylines.

Feature Layer
Target OIS Features

The target feature class that will contain the generated obstruction identification surfaces.

Feature Layer
Surface Generation

Specifies the type of surface that will be generated.

  • Runway Safety AreaA runway safety area (RSA) will be generated.
  • Runway Object Free AreaA runway object free area (ROFA) will be generated.
  • Runway Obstacle Free ZoneA runway obstacle free zone (ROFZ) will be generated.
  • Precision Obstacle Free ZoneA precision obstacle free zone (POFZ) will be generated.
  • Approach Runway Protection ZoneAn approach runway protection zone (RPZ) will be generated.
  • Departure Runway Protection ZoneA departure runway protection zone (RPZ) will be generated.
Visibility Minimums

Specifies the visibility minimums that will be used for the runways.

  • VisualVisual flight rules will be used.
  • Not lower than 1 mileVisibility minimums will not be lower than 1 mile.
  • Not lower than 3/4 mileVisibility minimums will not be lower that 3/4 mile.
  • Lower than 3/4 mileVisibility minimums will be lower than 3/4 mile.
Approach Category

Specifies the approach category that will be used to generate surfaces.

  • AThe approach category A will be used.
  • BThe approach category B will be used.
  • CThe approach category C will be used.
  • DThe approach category D will be used.
  • EThe approach category E will be used.
Aircraft Design Group

Specifies the approach design group that will be used to generate surfaces.

  • IThe approach design group I will be used.
  • IIThe approach design group II will be used.
  • IIIThe approach design group III will be used.
  • IVThe approach design group IV will be used.
  • VThe approach design group V will be used.
  • VIThe approach design group VI will be used.
Small Aircraft

Specifies whether surfaces will be generated with the small aircraft design matrix.


This parameter only applies when the Approach Category parameter is set to A or B.

  • Checked—Surfaces will be generated with the small aircraft design matrix.
  • Unchecked—Surfaces will not be generated with the small aircraft design matrix. This is the default.
Approach Guidance

Specifies the type of approach guidance that will be used at the end of the runway.

  • Precision Category IPrecision Category I approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • Precision Category IIPrecision Category II approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • Precision Category III APrecision Category III A approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • Precision Category III BPrecision Category III B approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • Precision Category III CPrecision Category III C approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • Precision Category III DPrecision Category III D approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • Non-verticalNonvertical approach operations (nonprecision approach category) will be used for the runway.
  • VerticalVertically guided approach operations will be used for the runway.
  • VisualOnly visual approach operations will be used for the runway.
Runway Direction

Specifies the end of the runway where the approach surface will be created.

  • High end to low endThe approach surface will be created from the high end of the runway to the low end. If a displaced threshold point exists at the high end of the runway, that point will be honored when creating the OIS.
  • Low end to high endThe approach surface will be created from the low end of the runway to the high end. If a displaced threshold point exists at the low end of the runway, that point will be honored when creating the OIS.
  • Both endsThe approach surface will be created from both the low end and high end of the runway.
Airport Elevation

The highest elevation on any of the runways of the airport. The value should be in the vertical coordinate system linear units of the target feature class. If no value is provided, the highest point from the Input Runway Features parameter value will be used.

Input Airport Control Point Feature

The point features containing an Airport Elevation parameter feature, displaced threshold features, or both. Values provided for the Airport Elevation parameter will take precedence over these point features.

Feature Layer
Runway End Features

The input runway end point features associated with each runway. The corresponding field values in this layer will override the values specified in the Approach Category, Aircraft Design Group, and Approach Guidance parameters.

Feature Layer
Last Low End Approach Light

The distance in feet of the Approach Lighting System (ALS) from the end of the low end of the runway. If no value is provided, it is assumed that there is no ALS at the low end of the runway.

Last High End Approach Light

The distance in feet of the Approach Lighting System (ALS) from the end of the high end of the runway. If no value is provided, it is assumed that there is no ALS at the high end of the runway.

Custom JSON File

The import configuration, in JSON format, that creates the custom OIS.



ラベル説明データ タイプ
Output OIS Features

The output obstruction identification surface (OIS) features.

Feature Layer




  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting
