Alphabetical list of constants

Below is a list of parameter constants. Many of these parameters are used with multiple functions and/or methods. Most of these parameters are optional—those surrounded by curly brackets ({})—and when appropriate, the default values are indicated next to the value. This document is intended to serve as a quick reference. For more specific information on what the parameter values mean, refer to the function or method documentation by using the links provided next to the parameter name. constants

{add_position}—Used by addLayer and addLayerToGroupand addItem methods on the LayerFile, LegendElement and Map classes.

  • "AUTO_ARRANGE"—Default
  • "BOTTOM"
  • "TOP"

{arrangement}—Defined on the LegendItem class.

  • "PatchLabelDescription"
  • "PatchDescriptionLabel"
  • "LabelPatchDescription"
  • "LabelDescriptionPatch"
  • "DescriptionPatchLabel"
  • "DescriptionLabelPatch"

{bmp_color_mode}—Used by the exportToBMP method on the Layout, MapFrame, and MapView classes.

  • "24-BIT_TRUE_COLOR"- Default

{bmp_image_compression}—Used by the exportToBMP method on the Layout, MapFrame, and MapView classes.

  • "NONE"- Default
  • "RLE"

cim_version—Used by the getDefinition method on the Layer, Layout, Map, Report and Table classes.

  • "V2"
  • "V3"

{color_mode}—Used by exportToPNG and exportToTIFF methods on the Layout, MapFrame and MapView classes.

  • "24-BIT_TRUE_COLOR"—Default

{colorizer_name}—Used by the updateColorizer method on the Symbology class.

  • "RasterClassifyColorizer"
  • "RasterStretchColorizer"
  • "RasterUniqueValueColorizer"

{element_type}—Used by the listElements method on the Layout class.

  • ""—Default

{encryption}—Used by the updateDocSecurity method on the PDFDocument class.

  • "RC4"—Default

{extrusion_type}—Used by the extrusion method on the Layer class.

  • "NONE"—Default

{fittingStrategy}—Defined on the LegendElement class.

  • "AdjustFontSize"
  • "AdjustColumns"
  • "AdjustColumnsAndFont"
  • "AdjustFrame"
  • "ManualColumns"—Default

{gif_color_mode}—Used by the exportToGIF method on the Layout, MapFrame, and MapView classes.

  • "8-BIT_ADAPTIVE_PALETTE" - Default

{image_compression}—Used by the exportToPDF method on the Layout, MapFrame, MapSeries and MapView classes.

  • "ADAPTIVE"—Default
  • "JPEG"
  • "LZW"
  • "NONE"
  • "RLE"

{image_quality}—Used by the exportToPDF method on the Layout, MapFrame, MapSeries and MapView classes.

  • "BEST"—Default
  • "BETTER"
  • "FASTER"
  • "NORMAL"

{insert_position}—Used by theinsertLayer and moveLayer methods on the LayerFile and Map classes.

  • "AFTER"
  • "BEFORE"—Default

{interval_units}—Used by the timeStep method on the MapTime class.

  • "DAYS"
  • "HOURS"
  • "MONTHS"
  • "WEEKS"
  • "YEARS"

{jpeg_color_mode}—Used by exportToJPEGmethod on the Layout, MapFrame and MapView classes.

  • "24-BIT_TRUE_COLOR"—Default

{layer_property}—Used by the supports method on the Layer class.

  • "NAME"
  • "TIME"

{layers_attributes}—Used by the ExportToPDF method on the Layout, MapFrame, MapSeries and MapView classes.

  • "LAYERS_ONLY"—Default
  • "NONE"

{map_type}—Used by the createMap method on the ArcGISProject class.

  • "GLOBE"
  • "MAP"—Default
  • "SCENE"

{method}—Used by the setSelectionSet method on the Layer and Table classes.

  • "NEW"—Default
  • "UNION"

{multiple_files}—Used by the ExportToPDF method on the MapSeries class.

  • "PDF_SINGLE_FILE"—Default

{page_range_type}—Used by the ExportToPDF method on the MapSeries class.

  • "ALL"
  • "RANGE"—Default

{pdf_layout}—Used by the updateDocProperties method on the PDFDocument class.

  • "SINGLE_PAGE"—Default

{pdf_open_view}—Used by the updateDocProperties method on the PDFDocument class.

  • "LAYERS"
  • "USE_NONE"
  • "USE_THUMBS"—Default

{permissions}—Used by the updateDocSecurity method on the PDFDocument class.

  • "ALL"—Default
  • "COPY"
  • "EDIT"
  • "OPEN"
  • "PRINT"
  • "SECURE"

{renderer_name}—Used by the updateRenderer method on the Symbology class.

  • "GraduatedColorsRenderer"
  • "GraduatedSymbolsRenderer"
  • "SimpleRenderer"
  • "UnclassedColorsRenderer"
  • "UniqueValueRenderer"

{server_type}—Used by the CreateWebLayerSDDraft function.


{server_type}—Used by the getWebLayerSharingDraft method on the Map class.


{service_type}—Used by the CreateWebLayerSDDraft function.

  • "FEATURE_ACCESS"—Default
  • "TILED"

{service_type}—Used by the getWebLayerSharingDraft method on the Map class.

  • "TILE"

{tiff_compression}—Used by the exportToTIFF method on the Layout, MapFrame and MapView classes.

  • "JPEG"
  • "LZW"
  • "NONE"—Default

{time_inclusion}—Used by the setTimeInclusion method on the MapTime class.


{timeUnits}—Used by multiple properties in the LayerTime and MapTime classes.

  • "HOURS"
  • "DAYS"
  • "WEEKS"
  • "MONTHS"
  • "YEARS"

{view_type}—Used by the closeViews method on the ArcGISProject class.

  • "MAPS"
  • "MAPS_AND_LAYOUTS"—Default

{web_service_type}—Used by the addDataFromPath method on the Map class.

  • "AUTOMATIC"—Default
  • "KML"
  • "WMS"

  1. constants