Set Model Parameter (Geostatistical Analyst)

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Geostatistical Analyst のライセンスで利用可能。


Sets parameter values in an existing geostatistical model source.


  • This tool is generally used in a model or in scripting.

  • The geostatistical model source must be a geostatistical layer.

  • The examples below can be used in the Parameter XML Path to specify which parameter will be set to a new value.

    • To change the number of lags parameter:
      /model[@name = 'Kriging']/model[@name = 'Variogram']/value[@name = 'NumberOfLags']
    • To change the weight parameter for LPI:
      /model[@name = 'LPI']/value[@name = 'Weight']
    • To specify whether the nugget should be recalculated in Kriging:
      /model[@name = "Kriging"]/model[@name = "Variogram"]/value[@name = "Nugget"]/@auto

      Then specify a true or false value (true implies that a new nugget value will be calculated when the XML file is used).

    • To specify whether a new range should be calculated:
      /model[@name = 'Kriging']/model[@name = 'Variogram']/model[@name = 'VariogramModel']/value[@name = 'Range']/@auto

      Then specify a true or false value (true implies that a new range value will be calculated when the XML file is used).

    • To specify a new nugget value:
      /model[@name = 'Kriging']/model[@name = 'Variogram']/value[@name = 'Nugget']
  • The XPath code snippet below sets multiple parameters via a single call to the tool.

    params = "/model[@name = 'Kriging']/model[@name = 'Variogram']/value[@name = 'Nugget']/@auto;\
              /model[@name = 'Kriging']/model[@name = 'Variogram']/model[@name = 'VariogramModel']/value[@name = 'Range'];\
              /model[@name = 'Kriging']/model[@name = 'Variogram']/model[@name = 'VariogramModel']/value[@name = 'Sill']"
    vals = "true;5.5;777"
    gp.GASetModelParameter_ga(inXMLFile, params, vals, outXMLFile)


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input geostatistical model source

The geostatistical model source to be analyzed.

File; Geostatistical Layer
Parameter XML Path

XML path to the required model parameter.

Parameter value

Value for the parameter defined by the XML path.

Output model

Geostatistical model created with the parameter value defined in the XML path.



  • Basic: 次のものが必要 Geostatistical Analyst
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Geostatistical Analyst
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Geostatistical Analyst
