Repair Nautical Data (Maritime)

ArcGIS Maritime ライセンスで利用できます。


Repairs selected data processes on a database with the Nautical schema. Processes include repairing noncollocated structure-equipment features, deleting detached FREL and COLLECTIONS records, and resolving blank or duplicate LNAM attribute values.


  • The selected repair processes can be run on any Nautical schema.

  • It is recommended that you use this tool on an edit version of the NIS.

  • A checkout replica of the NIS can also be used, but it should not be used with the Remove Orphan Relationships option in the Repair Operations parameter.

  • Equipment point features that are not coincident with a structure line or polygon will not be moved but instead will be reported in the results as warning messages by their LNAM attribute so you can find and resolve them manually.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Workspace

The file or enterprise geodatabase to be repaired.

Repair Operations

Specifies the repair process to be executed.

  • Fix LNAMRecords with a blank LNAM attribute will be resolved by populating the records with a valid LNAM value, and duplicate LNAM attribute conflicts will be resolved with a new LNAM value provided to one of the records.
  • Remove Orphan RelationshipsDetached structure or equipment and collections records will be removed from the PLTS_FREL and PLTS_COLLECTIONS tables.
  • Move Equipment FeaturesPoint equipment features that are not coincident with point structure features will be identified and moved to the location of the structure.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Updated Workspace

The repaired file or enterprise geodatabase.


arcpy.maritime.RepairNauticalData(in_workspace, repair_operations)
名前説明データ タイプ

The file or enterprise geodatabase to be repaired.


Specifies the repair process to be executed.

  • FIX_LNAMRecords with a blank LNAM attribute will be resolved by populating the records with a valid LNAM value, and duplicate LNAM attribute conflicts will be resolved with a new LNAM value provided to one of the records.
  • REMOVE_ORPHAN_RELATIONSHIPSDetached structure or equipment and collections records will be removed from the PLTS_FREL and PLTS_COLLECTIONS tables.
  • MOVE_EQUIPMENT_FEATURESPoint equipment features that are not coincident with point structure features will be identified and moved to the location of the structure.


名前説明データ タイプ

The repaired file or enterprise geodatabase.



RepairNauticalData example (Python window)

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the RepairNauticalData function with a database with the Nautical Chart schema.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Tool variables
input_workspace = r"C:\Data\CheckOutReplica_Job0003.gdb"

# Execute the tool


  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 ArcGIS Maritime
