Adjust entities

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | ヘルプのアーカイブ

You can adjust the placement of entities you have collected or undo and redo steps you have taken during collection.

To adjust entities you have created, complete the following steps:

  1. リボンで、グリッドの削除 ツールを追加したタブをクリックして、[グリッドの削除を開く] グリッドの削除を開く をクリックします。
  2. Select an action you want to complete.
    • To move a feature, click the Move button 移動 and select a feature to move it.
    • To delete a feature, click the Select button 選択を有効化, select the desired feature, and click the Delete button 削除.
    • To undo an action, click the Undo button 元に戻す.
    • To redo an action, click the Redo button やり直し.
  3. When you are finished working with グリッドの削除, click the Close Clearing Grids button グリッドの削除を閉じる.