Create a Maritime database

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | ヘルプのアーカイブ

ArcGIS Maritime ライセンスで利用できます。

ArcGIS Maritime production workflows are supported with file, mobile, and enterprise geodatabases. To create a maritime production database, you must import one of the maritime data models. Schemas for the various maritime data models are included with the ArcGIS Maritime product data files and are located at <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version> once installed. Product schemas are in their corresponding subfolders.

Learn more about data models supported by ArcGIS Maritime

Create an S-57 or Paper Chart database

The S-57 and Paper Chart data model schemas are provided as XML workspace documents. These documents contain the necessary database components and data that are required by Maritime tools. Any S-57 or Paper Chart database can be created by importing the XML workspace document using the Import XML Workspace Document Wizard.

To create a Maritime S-57 or Paper Chart database, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or existing project.
  3. Create a file, mobile, or enterprise database, if necessary.
  4. In the Catalog pane, right-click the geodatabase that you want to use and click Import > XML Workspace Document.

    If you are creating a Maritime database in an enterprise geodatabase, you must have schema change permissions on the geodatabase to import the XML.

    The Import XML Workspace Document Wizard appears.

  5. Click the Browse button 参照 and browse to the location of the XML workspace document you want to use.

    S-57 template documents are in the S-57 folder at <installation location>\ArcGIs Maritime\Product Files\<version> and include the word "template" in the file name.

    The template for the Paper Chart schema is located at <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\Charting\Schema.

  6. Choose a template that corresponds to the data model you want to use for the database and click Open.
  7. Click the Import data and schema option, if necessary.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Optionally, modify any configuration keywords.
  10. Click Finish to import the data model.

A Maritime database is created using the specified schema.

If you created a Maritime S-57 database in an enterprise geodatabase, you must register the necessary database components as versioned and enable archiving.


Geodatabase topology, which enforces the data integrity of products at a specific scale, is not included in the S-57 XML workspace documents. You can add a corresponding topology to a database containing ENC, IENC, or bIENC data models.

Create an S-100 database

The S-100 data models are available as feature catalogue XML documents that define the content of a data product. The Import S-100 Feature Catalogue tool reads the contents of a feature catalogue and creates database components based on that information. Any S-100 feature catalogue .xml file can be used to create a Maritime S-100 database; however, production workflows are currently only supported with the S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart data model. The S-101 feature catalogue file is provided with the Maritime product files. Alternatively, S-100 feature catalogue files can be acquired from the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) website for Standards and Specifications.

The Maritime S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart data model supports storing S-101 features as individual feature classes (flat data model) and as subtypes grouped into fewer feature classes (subtyped data model). To create the subtyped data model, specify a mapping file in the Subtype Mapping File parameter when importing the feature catalogue. Although both the flat and subtyped data models are supported, it is recommended that you use the subtyped data model for enhanced performance.

To create a maritime S-100 database, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or existing project.
  3. Create a file, mobile, or enterprise database, if necessary.
  4. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools ツール.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  5. In the Geoprocessing pane, click the Toolboxes tab, expand Maritime Tools > S-100, and click Import S-100 Feature Catalogue.
  6. For the S-100 Feature Catalogue parameter, browse to the location of the S-100 feature catalogue .xml file.

    When the Maritime product files are installed, the S-101 feature catalogue .xml file is located at <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-101.

  7. Choose a feature catalogue .xml file, and click OK.
  8. For the Target Workspace parameter, choose an empty geodatabase.

    If you are creating a Maritime database in an enterprise geodatabase, you must have schema change permissions on the geodatabase to import the feature catalogue.

  9. Optionally, choose a coordinate system for the Coordinate System parameter.

    If the Coordinate System parameter is left blank, WGS84 is used.

  10. Optionally, to use a subtype mapping file, click the Browse button 参照 for the Subtype Mapping File parameter, and browse to <system drive>\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Maritime.
  11. Choose the S-101FeatureClassMap.xml file and click OK.

    The S-101FeatureClassMap.xml subtype mapping file is only supported with the S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart Feature Catalogue.

  12. Optionally, specify a value for the Configuration Keyword parameter.
  13. Click the Environments tab.
  14. Specify values for the XY Resolution and XY Tolerance parameters.

    For S-101, it is recommended that you use an x,y resolution of 1e-8 decimal degrees and an x,y tolerance of 3.5355339e-8 decimal degrees.

  15. Click Run to import the feature catalogue.

A Maritime S-100 database is created with the S-100 schema. If you created a Maritime S-100 database in an enterprise geodatabase, the necessary database components are registered as versioned and enabled for archiving.
