An overview of the Data Management toolset

Aviation Charting ライセンスで利用できます。

The Data Management toolset contains tools that gather information from related tables to populate source features with aviation data and create copies of features based on related areas of interest (AOIs).


Calculate ATS Route Attributes

Calculates segment distance and bearing attributes on Air Traffic Service (ATS) route features.

Generate Airspace Areas

Generates AirspaceArea features from Airspace features.

Generate Airspace Lines

Generates line features in the AirspaceLine feature class from the edges of input Airspace polygon features.

Generate Aviation Cartographic Features

Creates cartographic copies of features based on the area of interest (AOI) in which they're located.

Generate Changeover Points

Creates changeover points along routes.

Generate Derived Airspace Geometry

Generates airspace geometry for associated airspace features from an imported AIXM 5.1 message.

Generate Summary Table Data

Collects information from a source cartographic feature class and related tables in an aviation charting database (AIS) and outputs the resulting information to a stand-alone table.

Group Route Segments

Derives additional cumulative information such as the total distance of a route or route portion from individual segments to prepare data for charting.

Prepare Aviation Data

Migrates attributes from main aviation data to their cartographic features based on specific JSON scripts. These attributes are used for labeling and symbolizing cartographic features. Attributes defined in the JSON will be copied from their locations in the main feature classes and formatted into output attributes also defined in the JSON.

Process Air Traffic Service Routes

Identifies overlapping Air Traffic Service (ATS) routes and calculates fields in the Target Cartographic Route Features to aid in cartographic display.

Report Aviation Chart Changes

Compares feature classes in two enterprise geodatabase versions and returns the differences in a report. You can filter the reported changes to determine which charts are affected by the differing data sources. You can set filters based on areas of interest (AOI), definition queries, and Report Chart Changes preferences.
