FAA 18B (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | ヘルプのアーカイブ

Aviation Airports ライセンスで利用できます。

Aviation Charting ライセンスで利用できます。


Creates obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) based on the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-18B specification. These OIS assist in the identification of possible hazards to air navigation and critical approach and departure obstructions within the vicinity of the airport and are used to support planning and design activities. The type, function, and dimension of a surface differ by its runway classification. This tool creates surfaces as polygon or multipatch features.


  • [入力滑走路フィーチャ] パラメーターは、Z 対応である必要があります。

  • When Runway Classification is set to Vertical Guidance, the output transitional surface will be split into four sections by a line perpendicular to the runway centerline.

  • When Runway Classification is set to Vertical Guidance, the output conical and horizontal surfaces will be split into sections by a meridian and a parallel. The meridian intersects the Airport Elevation Point and the centerpoint of the runway centerline. The parallel runs perpendicular to the meridian through the centerpoint of the runway centerline.


    In the absence of Airport Control Point Feature Class parameter values, the split will be based on the runway endpoint and runway centerpoint. The split will then draw a line from the runway endpoint and runway centerpoint and form a line parallel and perpendicular to the runway centerline.

  • This tool creates the OIS in an existing polygon or multipatch feature class. The OIS can also be generated in an existing polygon shapefile. If a feature class is used as the Target OIS Features parameter value, it must include a vertical spatial reference.

  • To create a .json file for the Custom JSON File parameter, use the CustomizeOIS.exe utility included in the Aviation Airports Product Data download available from My Esri.

  • The Airport Elevation parameter has a default value of 0. If you use an elevation value greater than 0, it takes precedence and overrides any existing airport elevation value read from the Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter.

  • The Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter can be used to supply x-, y-, and z-geometry for the Airport Elevation parameter, displaced threshold point features, or both. If displaced threshold points are included, surfaces will be constructed based on their x-, y-, and z-geometry instead of their corresponding Input Runway Feature parameter endpoint.

  • OIS tools are flexible and accept a variety of input and output feature class types. For more information, see the OIS Input and Output schemas.

  • High Runway End refers to runway direction identifiers 19 through 36. Low Runway End refers to runway direction identifiers 01 through 18.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Runway Features

The input runway dataset. The feature class must be z-enabled and contain polylines.

Feature Layer
Target OIS Features

The target feature class that will contain the generated OIS.

Feature Layer
Runway Classification

Specifies the runway classification for the Input Runway Features value.

  • Non vertical guidance type 1A runway designed for visual maneuvers, nonvertically guided operations, and instrument departure procedures.
  • Non vertical guidance type 2A specially prepared hard surface (SPHS) runway designed for visual maneuvers, nonvertically guided operations, and instrument departure procedures. SPHS runways have a primary surface that extends 200 feet beyond each end of the runway.
  • Vertical guidanceA runway that uses precision guidance systems to support aircraft approach and landing.
Length of High Runway End Clearway

The length of the area at the high end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features.

Length of Low Runway End Clearway

The length of the area at the low end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features.

Airport Elevation

The highest elevation on any of the runways of the airport. The value should be in the vertical coordinate system linear units of the target feature class. If no value is provided, the highest point from the Input Runway Features parameter value will be used.

Include Merged Surfaces

Specifies whether merged horizontal and conical surfaces will be included in the OIS in addition to the regular surfaces.

  • Checked—Merged surfaces will be included in the OIS output. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Merged surfaces will not be included in the OIS output.
Custom JSON File

The import configuration, in JSON format, that will be used to create the custom OIS.

Input Airport Control Point Feature

The point features containing an Airport Elevation feature, displaced threshold features, or both. Values provided for the Airport Elevation parameter will take precedence over these point features.

Feature Layer


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Output OIS Features

The updated feature class containing the generated OIS.

Feature Layer


  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting