Repair Self Intersection (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | ヘルプのアーカイブ


Repairs self-intersecting line or polygon features. The portion between the feature and the intersection points are either deleted or split into a new feature.

Repair Self Intersection tool illustration
A Repair Self Intersection tool example with single-part and multipart intersections is shown.



    このツールを実行すると、入力データが変更されます。 詳細と不要なデータの変更を回避するための方法については、「入力データを変更または更新するツール」をご参照ください。

  • If a feature intersects itself at a point and continues by crossing itself, it is considered a self-intersection. However, if the feature snaps to itself at a point and turns back without crossing itself, it is not considered a self-intersection.

  • If the input features are z-enabled, the z-values at the point of self-intersection will be evaluated and features will only be repaired if the z-values of both segments are identical at the self-intersection point. For example, if all of the z-values on a road represent the ground elevation and the road has a self-intersection, the z-values at the intersection will be identical and the feature will be repaired. However, if the road line represents a ramp, one z-value at the point of intersection is likely on the ground while the other may be elevated to connect to the overpassing feature. Features such as the ramp will not be repaired because the z-values at the intersection point are different.

  • If the input feature contains multiple parts, the following apply:

    • For lines, all parts that are continuous will be considered when determining if there is a self-intersection. For example, if a segment from part 1 of the feature intersects a segment from part 2 of a continuous feature, this will be considered a self-intersection and the feature will be repaired. Lines that are not continuous parts will not be considered intersecting.
    • For polygons, only individual parts will be considered when determining whether there is a self-intersection. For example, if a segment from part 1 of the feature intersects a segment from part 2 of the feature, this will not be considered a self-intersection; however, if a segment from part 1 intersects another segment from part 1, this will be considered a self-intersection.

  • For line features, if the end points of a line touch each other, the feature is considered a line that closes on itself and will not be modified.

  • For line features that have coincident segments rather than coincident vertices, the feature is considered a self-overlapping line and will not be modified.

  • A self-intersection at either the start or end point of a line feature may be considered an acceptable self-intersection, for example, a cul-de-sac where the end point of the geometry touches the interior of the line. Use the Remove Self Intersections at End Point parameter to specify whether self-intersections involving the start or end point will be repaired.

  • For line features, the Maximum Length parameter specifies the length of the segment between the points of self-intersection. For a polygon, the Maximum Length parameter specifies the perimeter of the smaller polygon created by the self-intersection. Only segments with a length or perimeter smaller than the specified maximum length will be removed or split. Use this parameter to differentiate between small self-intersections that may have been created in error and larger self-intersections that were created intentionally.

  • When Split is specified as the Repair Type parameter value, the self-intersecting feature is divided into two features: one with the geometry of the segment between the points of self-intersection and another with the geometry of the segments before and after the intersection.

  • This tool does not support multipart intersections.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Input Features

The polyline or polygon feature class with the self-intersections that will be repaired.

Feature Layer
Repair Type

Specifies whether self-intersections will be deleted or split.

  • DeleteSelf-intersections will be deleted. This is the default.
  • SplitSelf-intersections will be split at the intersection point and retained.
Maximum Removal Length

The maximum length of the segment between the points of self-intersection. Only segments shorter than the specified maximum length will be removed.

Linear Unit
Remove Self Intersections at End Point

Specifies whether self-intersections with an end point that snaps to itself will be removed.

  • Checked—Self-intersections with an end point that snaps to itself will be removed.
  • Unchecked—Self-intersections with an end point that snaps to itself (such as a cul-de-sac) will not be removed. This is the default.


ラベル説明データ タイプ
Updated Input Features

The polygon or polyline features with self-intersections removed.

Feature Layer




  • Basic: No
  • Standard: 次のものが必要 Production Mapping
  • Advanced: 次のものが必要 Production Mapping
