Enumeration of input types for the VehicleRoutingProblem solver when using the VehicleRoutingProblemSchemaVersion.One schema version.
プロパティ | 説明 | データ タイプ |
Orders (読み取り専用) | The orders that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. These are the locations that the routes will visit. An order can represent a delivery (for example, furniture delivery), a pickup (such as an airport shuttle bus picking up a passenger), or some type of service or inspection. | Object |
Depots (読み取り専用) | The depots that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. A depot is a location that a vehicle departs from at the beginning of its workday and returns to at the end of the workday. | Object |
Routes (読み取り専用) | The routes that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. A route defines vehicle and driver characteristics. | Object |
Breaks (読み取り専用) | The breaks that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. These include driver rest periods, such as lunch and bathroom breaks. | Object |
RouteZones (読み取り専用) | The route zones that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. A route zone is a polygon that delineates work territories for given routes and is used to constrain routes to servicing only those orders that fall within or near the specified area. | Object |
RouteRenewals (読み取り専用) | The route renewals that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. Route renewals are intermediate depots that routes can visit to reload or unload the cargo they are delivering or picking up. | Object |
OrderPairs (読み取り専用) | The order pairs that will be used as input for the Vehicle Routing Problem analysis. Order pairs define pickups and deliveries that must be serviced by the same route. | Object |
PointBarriers (読み取り専用) | Point barriers that temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. | Object |
LineBarriers (読み取り専用) | Line barriers that temporarily restrict traversal across a line. | Object |
PolygonBarriers (読み取り専用) | Polygon barriers that temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. | Object |