The output data types containing the results from a last mile delivery analysis are described below.
The output is a copy of the input Orders table with additional information about which route served each order, the arrival and departure times, and the order sequence.
The output Orders table includes all fields from the input Orders table. Fields that are updated or added to the output are listed in the following table:
Field | Description | Data type |
ObjectID | フィーチャのオブジェクト ID。 | ObjectID |
RouteName | 訪問先が割り当てられるルートの名前。 This field corresponds to the Name field in the output Routes table. | Text |
Sequence | このフィールドは、訪問先に割り当てられたルートでの訪問先の順序を示します。 Output sequence values for a route are shared across depot visits and orders. The sequences start from 0 at the starting depot and are consecutive. The smallest possible output sequence value for a routed order is 1. This is the case even if the route begins at a virtual depot. | Long |
| These fields contain a summary of violated constraints and are set after a solve operation. Each field will contain one violation. If an order has more than one violation, the next ViolatedConstraint_* field will be used.
Learn more about troubleshooting network analyses 注意:The violated constraint field value of an unrouted order may or may not describe all its violations. If the violation is severe enough to immediately exclude the order from further consideration, the solver does so, which prevents any other violations from being discovered for that order. If a violation is encountered that doesn't automatically stop a solution from being generated, the violation is noted in violated constraint fields, and the solver continues to consider the order. Any further violations such as these are added to the violated constraint fields until either the solver finds a violation that prematurely stops the solve process for that particular order, or the solver finds an overall solution to the problem. | Long |
FromPrevTravelTime | 前のストップから現在のストップまでに経過した移動時間。 The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
FromPrevDistance | 前のストップから現在のストップまでのルート沿いの距離。 The value is in the units specified by the distanceUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
ArriveCurbApproach | 車両がストップに到着するときに、アプローチを車両のどちら側にするかを示します。 値が 1 の場合は車両の右側、値が 2 の場合は車両の左側です。 | Long |
DepartCurbApproach | 車両がストップから出発するときに、アプローチを車両のどちら側にするかを示します。 値が 1 の場合は車両の右側、値が 2 の場合は車両の左側です。 | Long |
ArriveTime | The time of day the route arrives at the order. The route may arrive at the order before the beginning of the order's time window, in which case there is a wait time at the order. For an order with a soft time window, the route may also arrive at the order after the end of the time window, in which case there is a violation time at the order. This arrival time reflects the travel times that were used during the optimization by the solver. For a network with traffic data, traffic conditions for specific times of day are not used; rather, the solver uses the time neutral average travel times for this optimization phase. The time zone for the ArriveTime field value is derived from the network element on which the order is located. | Timestamp Offset |
DepartTime | The time of day the route departs from the order. The route departs from the order upon completion of service. This departure time reflects the travel times that were used during the optimization by the solver. For a network with traffic data, traffic conditions for specific times of day are not used; rather, the solver uses the time neutral average travel times for this optimization phase. The time zone for the DepartTime field value is derived from the network element on which the order is located. | Timestamp Offset |
WaitTime | The wait time or layover at the order. For example, a wait time is incurred when a route must wait at an order for a time window to open. The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
ViolationTime | The amount of time elapsed from the end of the order's time window to the arrival of the route vehicle. The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
Status | ネットワーク上の位置を基準としたその地点のステータスと解析の結果を指定します。 出力される可能性のある値は次のとおりです。
| Long |
Network location fields
| これらのプロパティを組み合わせて、オブジェクトが配置されているネットワーク上のポイントを表します。 |
The output is a copy of the input Depots table with additional information about how the depots were located on the network.
The output Depots table includes all fields from the input Depots table. Only fields that are added to the output are listed in the following table:
Field | Description | Data type |
ObjectID | フィーチャのオブジェクト ID。 | ObjectID |
Status |
ネットワーク上の位置を基準としたその地点のステータスと解析の結果を指定します。 出力される可能性のある値は次のとおりです。
| Long |
Network location fields
| これらのプロパティを組み合わせて、オブジェクトが配置されているネットワーク上のポイントを表します。 |
When a route starts or ends at a depot, a depot visit is created. Depot visits provide information regarding why a route visited a depot and what happened there. The quantity of goods loaded on or unloaded from a vehicle at the depot is recorded in the properties of a depot visit. Additional information that is useful in interpreting the analysis solution is also included.
The data type supports the following fields:
Field | Description | Data type |
ObjectID | フィーチャのオブジェクト ID。 | ObjectID |
DepotName | The name of the visited depot. This field is a foreign key to the Name field in the Depots table. If the route uses a virtual depot, which means the route starts or ends at an order instead of a depot, DepotName is null. | Text |
VisitType | The reason the depot was visited. This field is constrained by a domain of values:
| Long |
RouteName | The name of the route containing this visit. This field is a foreign key to the Name field in the Routes table. | Text |
Sequence | The sequence of the visited depot on the route. Output sequence values for a route are shared across depot visits and orders. The sequences start from 0 at the starting depot and are consecutive. | Long |
ServiceTime | The service time (such as loading or unloading) at the depot. The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
FromPrevTravelTime | The travel time from the preceding visit on the route to the depot. The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
FromPrevDistance | The travel distance from the preceding visit on the route to the depot. The value is in the units specified by the distanceUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
ArriveTime | The arrival time at the depot. The arrival time reflects the travel times that were used during the optimization by the solver. For a network with traffic data, traffic conditions for specific times of day are not used; rather, the solver uses the time neutral average travel times for this optimization phase. The time zone for the ArriveTime field value is derived from the network element on which the depot is located. | Timestamp Offset |
DepartTime | The departure time from the depot. The departure time reflects the travel times that were used during the optimization by the solver. For a network with traffic data, traffic conditions for specific times of day are not used; rather, the solver uses the time neutral average travel times for this optimization phase. The time zone for the DepartTime field value is derived from the network element on which the depot is located. | Timestamp Offset |
| The amount (for example, volume, weight, quantity) being loaded at the depot. If there are multiple capacities, the amounts in the LoadedQuantity_1 through LoadedQuantity_9 fields correspond to the matching Capacity_1 through Capacity_9 fields in the Routes input table. | Double |
| The amount (for example, volume, weight, quantity) being unloaded at the depot. If there are multiple capacities, the amounts in the UnloadedQuantity_1 through UnloadedQuantity_9 fields correspond to the matching Capacity_1 through Capacity_9 fields in the Routes input table. | Double |
This provides access to the drivers, vehicles, and route paths of the last mile delivery analysis.
The output Routes table includes all fields from the input Routes table as well as additional fields describing how each route serviced the orders. Only fields that are added to the output are listed below.
Field name | Description | Data type |
ObjectID | フィーチャのオブジェクト ID。 | ObjectID |
| Describes constraints violated by the route. The constraints are given as integers as described in the table below.
| Long |
OrderCount | ルートに割り当てられる訪問先の数。 | Long |
TotalCost | ルートの合計運用コストです。これは、次のフィールドの値の合計です。FixedCost、RegularTimeCost、OvertimeCost、および DistanceCost。 | Double |
RegularTimeCost | The cost of regular work time. | Double |
OvertimeCost | The cost of overtime work. | Double |
DistanceCost | TotalDistance フィールドと CostPerUnitDistance フィールドの値を乗算して得られた距離のコスト コンポーネント。 | Double |
TotalTime | The total route duration. This includes travel times as well as service and wait times at orders and depots. The TotalTime value is the sum of the following attribute fields:
The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
TotalOrderServiceTime | ルート上のすべての訪問先で費やされる合計サービス時間。 The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
TotalTravelTime | ルートの合計移動時間。 The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
TotalDistance | ルートの合計移動距離。 The value is in the units specified by the distanceUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
StartTime | The starting time of the route. The time zone for the StartTime field value is derived from the network element on which the starting depot is located or the first order if the route starts at a virtual depot. | Timestamp Offset |
EndTime | The ending time of the route. The route ends upon completion of service at the ending depot. The time zone for the EndTime field value is derived from the network element on which the ending depot or final order is located. | Timestamp Offset |
TotalWaitTime | The total wait time at all orders and depots on the route. The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
TotalViolationTime | The total violation time at all orders on the route. The value is in the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object. | Double |
Field name | Description | Data type |
ObjectID | フィーチャのオブジェクト ID。 | ObjectID |
RouteID | The ObjectID value of the output Routes feature with which this direction point is associated. | Long |
Sequence | 該当するルートのルート案内ポイントの順番 (1 から始まる)。 | Long |
DirectionPointType | ポイントで記述されたルート案内イベントまたはマヌーバー タイプを指定します。次のいずれかの値で表されます。
| Long |
OrderID | The ObjectID value of the output Orders feature with which this direction point is associated. | Long |
DepotVisitID | The ObjectID value of the output DepotVisits feature with which this direction point is associated. | Long |
BreakVisitID | 注意:This field is not used for last mile delivery analyses. | Long |
DisplayText | 使用中のアプリケーションで表示されるルート案内テキスト。 | Text |
ArrivalTime | UTC (協定世界時) でのルート案内イベントの発生時刻。 | Date |
ArrivalUTCOffset | マヌーバー位置の現地時間と ArrivalTime フィールドに示された UTC 時間との差異 (分単位)。 | Double |
Name | ルート案内ポイントの名前。 | Text |
ExitName | ルート案内指示に表示される高速道路出口名。 | Text |
AlternateName | ルート案内指示に表示される代替ソース名。 | Text |
IntersectingName | ルート案内指示に表示される交差点または交差道路の名前。 | Text |
BranchName | ルート案内指示に表示される分岐標識名。 | Text |
TowardName | ルート案内指示に表示される目的地までの方向標識名。 | Text |
Level | 該当するルート案内イベントが発生した建物の階。 この値は、解析用のネットワーク データセット内に定義された Level プロパティに相当します。 | Long |
ShortVoiceInstruction | 使用中のアプリケーションで音声ガイダンス テキストとして使用される短い形式のテキスト。 | Text |
VoiceInstruction | 使用中のアプリケーションで音声ガイダンス テキストとして使用される追加のテキスト (展開された略語と複数形の語句を含む)。 | Text |
Azimuth | この地点を出発する車両の方位 (度単位)。 ゼロは北を示します。 | Double |
これは、解析で算出され、DirectionPoints イベント位置間またはマヌーバー位置間の各ルート セグメントを表すためにスライスされた出力ルート ラインです。
フィールド名 | 説明 | データ タイプ |
ObjectID | フィーチャのオブジェクト ID。 | ObjectID |
DirectionPointID | 該当するラインが関連付けられている DirectionPoints テーブル内のフィーチャの ObjectID 値。 | Long |
RouteID | 該当するルート案内ラインが関連付けられている出力 Routes フィーチャの ObjectID 値。 | Long |
DirectionLineType | 該当するラインで記述されたルート案内状況のタイプを指定します。次のいずれかの値で表されます。
| Long |
Meters | メートル単位で計測されたライン セグメントの長さ。 | Double |
Minutes | 分単位でのライン セグメントに沿った移動時間。 | Double |
FromLevel | 該当するルート案内イベントが始まる建物の階。 この値は、解析用のネットワーク データセット内に定義された Level プロパティに相当します。 | Long |
ToLevel | 該当するルート案内イベントが終わる建物の階。 この値は、解析用のネットワーク データセット内に定義された Level プロパティに相当します。 | Long |