Create a mosaic dataset from ADS data for stereo mapping

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Доступно с лицензией Standard или Advanced.

The ADS .sup file stores references to many external files, such as data files, orientation files, and calibration files. When data is moved, these reference files need to be updated. ArcGIS Pro can automatically read the ADS .supfile and recognize that the reference files are using relative paths if the folder structure remains intact. If the folder structure has changed, you must manually repair the paths.

This can be done using any text editor or Visual Studio, which can repair multiple files at one time. Any pyramids built in third-party software, such as .rrd files, should be in the same folder as the .ads file.


ADS data must be level L1 for stereo mapping.

  1. Test the ADS data to make sure that it is valid.
  2. Use the Create Mosaic Dataset tool to create a new mosaic dataset.
    1. Specify the geodatabase location for your mosaic dataset.
    2. Name your mosaic dataset.
    3. Define the x,y coordinate system for your data.
    4. Specify your z-coordinate system as the ellipsoidal-based WGS 1984.
    5. Click OK to run the tool.
  3. Use the Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset tool to add data to your mosaic.
    1. Choose the ADS raster type.
    2. In the Raster Type Properties window, click the Processing tab.
    3. Expand the Orthorectification category.
    4. For Elevation Source, choose DEM.
    5. Browse to the DEM for your area of interest. If your DEM uses orthometric heights, check the Geoid check box.
    6. Click OK to accept the current raster type properties, and return to the tool.
  4. Build bilinear pyramids.
    1. Expand the Raster Processing category.
    2. Check the Build Raster Pyramids check box.
    3. Click the Environments tab, and choose either BILINEAR or CUBIC for the Resampling technique parameter.
    4. Click the Parameters tab to return to the tool.

    Since most ADS image data is very large, it is highly recommended that you build pyramids for each image to improve display performance. Building pyramids with bilinear or cubic resampling will allow the Terrain Following and Surface Snapping tools to be enabled.

  5. Calculate statistics.
    1. In the Raster Processing category, check the Calculate Statistics check box.
    2. Click the Environments tab, and type 15 for both the X skip factor and Y skip factor parameters. This helps speed up the calculation of the statistics by sampling every 15th value in the x direction and every 15th value in the y direction.
    3. Click the Parameters tab to return to the tool.
  6. Click Run to execute the tool.
  7. Use the Build Stereo Model tool so that your mosaic dataset supports the stereo functionality.

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