General information about the Image Analyst extension

Эта документация ArcGIS 2.7 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

Доступно с лицензией Image Analyst.

How to obtain and authorize the Image Analyst extension

To use the Image Analyst extension, the extension must be properly installed, licensed, and enabled.

The Image Analyst extension is only available with ArcGIS Pro. The extension supports the standard ArcGIS Pro license types: Named User, Concurrent Use, and Single Use. Since the Image Analyst extension builds on the capabilities provided with the Basic, Standard, or Advanced licenses, it is important to understand the depth and breadth of your image analysis requirements. For example, if you want to use the full capability of Stereo Mapping, you will need the ability to create mosaic datasets, perform block adjustment, and generate stereo models; this is functionality contained in the Advanced license.

Please work with your system administrator to access and enable the Image Analyst extension for your license type.

Essential Image Analyst terms

To utilize the capabilities, functions, and tools in Image Analyst to their full potential, it is important to understand the definition of essential terms. A glossary of remote sensing and image processing terms provides definitions of common terms used in Image Analyst and by remote sensing professionals. Deeper understanding of the meaning behind the definitions and how they relate and affect each other in the broader context of remote sensing image processing will help you achieve optimum results for your applications.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

See the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) for more details about the Image Analyst extension.

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