Add the U.S. National Grid Reference Box

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Доступно с лицензией Production Mapping.

The U.S. National Grid Reference Box is a layout element that references the universal transverse Mercator (UTM) grid zone designator and the two-letter location identifiers of the 100,000-meter grid squares that cover the extent of the active data frame. Multiple combinations of grid zone identifiers and 100,000-meter grid squares are possible when the data frame extent crosses zone boundaries.


The scale must be set to 1:250,000 or larger to use this tool.

Grid zone designations are unique identifiers specified with numbers from 1 to 60 for the UTM zones and letters C through X (skipping I and O) specifying 8 degrees of latitude each, starting at 80 degrees south and ending at 84 degrees north.

Each grid zone is subdivided into 100,000-meter grid squares specified by two-letter identifiers, with the first letter indicating a column and the second letter indicating a row.

The information displayed in the reference box, including the grid zone designation and the two-letter location identifiers of the 100,000-meter grid squares, is initially determined by the map extents.

Insert a U.S. National Grid Reference Box

The U.S. National Grid Reference Box can be inserted on any map layout with data located in the U.S.

  1. Verify that the map is in layout view.

    If you don't have a layout set up for your project, see Add a layout to your project.

  2. Click the Insert tab.
  3. Click Additional Surrounds and click U.S. National Grid Reference Box in the Topographic group.

    The U.S. National Grid Reference Box is added to the layout.

Modify the U.S. National Grid Reference Box

You can modify the properties and appearance of the U.S. National Grid Reference Box using the Format tab on the ribbon or the U.S. National Grid Reference Box pane. The following properties are available for the element and can be found on either the Format tab or the Options tab in the U.S. National Grid Reference Box pane.

  • Name—The name of the U.S. National Grid Reference Box element. The name of the element appears in the Contents pane and must be unique.
  • Visible—Determines if the U.S. National Grid Reference Box is visible in the layout. The default is visible.
  • Locked—Locks the element so that changes cannot not be made. The default is unlocked.
  • Map Frame—Specifies the map frame the element is associated with and where it gets the grid information.
  • Type—Changes between the available meter reference guides.
  • Color—Changes the color of the element.