Load routes into an existing LRS Network

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Доступно с лицензией Location Referencing.

You can load routes from an input polyline into an existing LRS Network using the Append Routes geoprocessing tool, and regenerate shapes and apply calibration changes for route features using the Generate Routes geoprocessing tool.

Append routes to an LRS Network

Load routes into an LRS Network using the Append Routes tool to create a modified LRS Network that has routes appended and centerline features created.


This tool will create centerlines in the target LRS dataset as well as routes in the target LRS Network. Any new fields that will be used for field remapping should be created in the underlying LRS Network feature class before using this tool.

Generate routes in an LRS Network

You can use the Generate Routes geoprocessing tool to regenerate shapes and apply calibration changes for route features.

This tool can also determine calibration changes on routes so event behaviors can be processed. These calibration changes can be due to adding, editing, or deleting calibration points outside the Location Referencing tools in ArcGIS Pro.


This tool creates centerlines in the target LRS dataset and routes in the target LRS Network. Any new fields that will be used for field remapping must be in the underlying LRS Network feature class before using this tool.