Create Territory Level Feature Classes (Territory Design)

Эта документация ArcGIS 2.7 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.


Creates feature classes for a specified level.


  • Output point feature classes represent the centers of the features at the base or territory level.

  • Output polygon feature classes represent the boundaries (perimeters) of the features at the base or territory level.

  • Base level can only contain base boundaries and base centers.

  • A Thiessen polygon will be created for the base boundary feature class if a point-based solution is created.

  • The default feature class for a polygon solution is Base Territory Boundaries.

    Base territory boundaries

  • The default feature class for a point solution is Base Territory Centers.

    Base territory centers

  • Polygon feature classes represent boundaries (perimeters) of the features in territory level.

    Territory boundaries

  • Point feature classes represent territory centers.

    Territory centers

Синтаксис, level, feature_classes)
ParameterОбъяснениеТип данных

The Territory Design solution layer that will be used in the analysis.

Group Layer; Feature Dataset; String

The level to which the feature classes will be added.


Creates a point or polygon feature class at the specified level.

  • TERRITORY_BOUNDARIESPolygon features that represent the territory boundaries.
  • TERRITORY_CENTERSPoint features that represent the territory centers.
  • BASE_BOUNDARIESPolygon features that represent the base boundaries.
  • BASE_CENTERS Point features that represent the base centers.

Производные выходные данные

NameОбъяснениеТип данных

The updated territory solution.

Group Layer

Пример кода

CreateTerritoryLevelFeatureClasses example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CreateTerritoryLevelFeatureClasses tool.

import arcpy"TerritoryDesignSolution", "Territories[1]", "TERRITORY_BOUNDARIES;TERRITORY_CENTERS")

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Требуется Business Analyst
  • Standard: Требуется Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Требуется Business Analyst

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