Display airport signs in 2D

Эта документация ArcGIS 2.8 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

Доступно с лицензией Aviation Airports.

Label classes can be created to display airport sign labels and symbols. Labels are useful on their own, but they can also be used for developing airport sign annotation. This is done by first setting up and refining label classes for the front and back of AirportSign features, then converting those labels to feature-linked annotation. Setting up and rendering label classes is an initialization workflow that allows interactive modification of parameters to create the desired size and default label position of AirportSign features before they are committed to annotation.

You may use labeling while creating and editing AirportSign features during initial creation of your airport sign point data.

Once the data is initialized, the labels can be converted to feature-linked annotation. All subsequent airport sign editing is reflected in its feature-linked annotation, and the label classes no longer need to be rendered.

The Airports Product Data package, available on My Esri, includes an AirportSign layer file which can be used to apply labeling properties and symbology on your airport sign features.


The airport sign layer file requires that you have the SimHei font installed to your computer. At Windows 10, the SimHei font is no longer installed by default.

To install the SimHei font, browse to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Fonts and click Download fonts for all languages.

Set up the map for the AirportSign layer

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open or create a new project containing aviation data.
  3. In the Contents pane, right-click the map and click Properties.

    The Map Properties window appears.

  4. Click General in the Map Properties window.
  5. Set the Reference scale value for the AirportSign labels, for example, 1:1000.
  6. Нажмите ОК.
  7. In the Contents pane, right-click on the map pane and click Labeling.
  8. Check the Use Maplex Label Engine check box.

Add the airport signs layer file to the map

You can use the AirportSign_frontBack_labels layer file in the Airports Product Files data package to symbolize your airport signs.

  1. Click the Map tab.
  2. In the Layer group, click Add Data.
  3. In the Add Data window, browse to the install directory for the Airports Product Data package.

    The default install directory for this file is C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcGIS Aviation Airports\Product Files\<version number>\Layers\AirportSign_frontBack_labels.lyrx.

  4. Choose the AirportSign_frontBack_labels.lyrx file.
  5. Click OK.

    The AirportSign feature layer appears in the Contents pane.

  6. Click Repair Broken Data Source next to the AirportSign feature layer in the Contents pane.

    The Repair Broken Data Source window appears.

  7. Browse to the AirportSign feature class in your Aviation Airports geodatabase.
  8. Choose the AirportSign feature class.
  9. Нажмите ОК.

Set the AirportSign elevation units

  1. Double-click the AirportSign feature layer in the Contents pane to open its layer properties.
  2. Click Elevation on the Layer Properties window.
  3. Click the Elevation units drop-down arrow and choose an elevation unit for your airport signs.
  4. Нажмите ОК.

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