Add calibration points

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Доступно с лицензией Location Referencing.

The calibration points used by ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing to calibrate routes are a simple feature class. Calibration points can be added to a route using the tools provided on the Location Referencing tab.

Using the Add Calibration Point tool

The Add Calibration Point tool Добавить точку on the Location Referencing tab allows you to add calibration points to a route. Pipeline Referencing will apply calibration to the route it references and apply calibration event behavior. This tool also allows downstream recalibration to be applied to a route where a calibration point is added.

The following scenario is an example of route calibration with downstream recalibration before and after adding a calibration point:

Step A—The route's existing calibration points and the route before calibration are shown.

Adding calibration points before diagram

Step B—A new calibration point is added with the measure 5 with Recalibrate downstream checked. In this example, 4 is the suggested measure based on the current calibration of the route at that location, but the user changes it to 5.

Adding calibration point diagram with a measure of 4 selected for a calibration of 5

Step C—When Run is clicked, the new calibration point is added, downstream calibration points are updated, and the route is recalibrated.

Route calibration diagram with downstream calibration after adding a calibration point

The following scenario is an example of route calibration without downstream calibration before and after adding a calibration point:

Step A—The route's existing calibration points and the route before calibration are shown.

Adding calibration points "before" diagram

Step B—A new calibration point is added with a user-defined measure of 5 with Recalibrate downstream not checked. In this example, 4 is the suggested measure based on the existing route calibration, but the user changes it to 5.

Adding calibration point diagram with a measure of 4 selected for a calibration of 5

Step C—When Run is clicked, the new calibration point is added, the route is recalibrated, but no downstream calibration is added.

Route calibration diagram without downstream calibration after adding a calibration point

Add an LRS calibration point layer to the map to begin the editing process. Traditionally versioned networks must be edited through a direct connection to the geodatabase. Branch versioned networks, which includes any network configured with a user-generated route ID, must be edited through a feature service.

  1. Click the Location Referencing tab.
  2. Click the Add Point button Добавить точку on the Location Referencing tab.

    Traditionally versioned networks must be edited through a direct connection to the geodatabase. Branch versioned networks, which includes any network configured with a user-generated route ID, must be edited through a feature service.

  3. Click the location on the map along the route where the calibration point will be added.

    The Add Calibration Point pane appears.

    The Network text box is populated with the network selected on the map. The Route Name is populated with the route name of the route selected on the map. The From Date and To Date text boxes are populated with the From and To dates of the route. The Measure text box is populated with the measure of the location selected of the route on the map.

  4. You can change the From Date and To Date to set when this calibration is applied to the route.
  5. You can change the measure to the calibration at the selected location.
  6. Choose whether you want to recalibrate the route downstream using the Recalibrate downstream check box.
    • Checking the box will apply recalibration to downstream calibration points along the route. For example, existing calibration at the location where the calibration point is being added is 9, and the next downstream calibration point at the end of the route has a measure of 15. If the measure is changed to 10 and Recalibrate downstream is checked, the downstream calibration point would have 1 added to the measure and change to 16.
    • Leaving the box not checked will result in no recalibration for the next downstream calibration point along the route. Using the example above, changing the measure from 9 to 10 but not checking the Recalibrate downstream check box would result in the downstream calibration point maintaining a measure of 15.
  7. Click Run.
    Calibration on the route is updated.
  8. If more calibration points are ready to be added, repeat the steps above to add them.

    If a message about acquiring locks or reconciling appears, conflict prevention is enabled.

В этом разделе
  1. Using the Add Calibration Point tool