Summarize Categorical Raster (Image Analyst)

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Доступно с лицензией Image Analyst.

Краткая информация

Создает таблицу, содержащую количество пикселов для каждого класса в каждом срезе входного категориального растра.


  • Use this tool to calculate the number of pixels in each category for every slice in a multidimensional, categorical raster dataset. For example, calculate the number of pixels in each land cover class for a multidimensional raster containing 30 years of land cover data.

  • The input raster dataset must have a raster attribute table. To generate a raster attribute table, use the Build Raster Attribute Table tool.

  • If the input raster has a Class_Name or ClassName field, the output table will use the names listed in that field. Otherwise, the output table will use class values from the Class_Value or ClassValue field. The field names are not case sensitive.

  • Поддерживаемые многомерные наборы растровых данных включают Cloud Raster Format (CRF), многомерные наборы данных мозаики или многомерные растровые слои, созданные с помощью файлов netCDF, GRIB или HDF.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Categorical Raster

The input multidimensional, categorical raster.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer; Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer; Image Service; String
Output Summary Table

The output summary table. Geodatabase, database, text, Microsoft Excel, and comma-separated value (CSV) tables are supported.


The input dimension to use for the summary. If there is more than one dimension and no value is specified, all slices will be summarized using all combinations of dimension values.

Area Of Interest

The polygon feature layer containing the area or areas of interest to use when calculating the pixel count per category. If no area of interest is specified, the entire raster dataset will be included in the analysis.

Feature Layer
Area Of Interest ID Field

The field in the polygon feature layer that defines each area of interest. Text and integer fields are supported.


Параметры среды

Особые случаи

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Обязательно Image Analyst
  • Standard: Обязательно Image Analyst
  • Advanced: Обязательно Image Analyst

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