Find Nearby Locations (Business Analyst)

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Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

Краткая информация

Identifies locations closest to the input features based on a selected distance type. The number of points in the output is defined by limiting the count or percentage of location points to return or by limiting the distance from the input points.


  • The Input Features parameter value must be a point feature class. The input features are the sites you are analyzing, such as stores or facilities.

  • The Location Points parameter value must be a point feature class. The location points are all nearby locations that will be used in the tool calculations.

  • The Output Feature Class parameter will contain all attributes from the Input Features and Location Points parameters, as well as calculated fields containing distance and direction values.

  • To create a report, check the Create Report parameter.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Features

The point layer to be measured to or from Location Points.

Feature Layer
ID Field

A field containing unique identifiers for each input feature.

Location Points

The layer that will be used to generate the output with distance and direction attributes to or from Input Features.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output location point features.

Feature Class
Distance Type

The calculated distance based on the method of travel. Straight Line is the default value.

Distance Units

The measurement units, in distance or time, that will be used when calculating nearby locations.

Distance Limit

The analysis extent measured in distance or time.

Number of Locations Limit

The numeric limit of the Location Points value.

Percentage of Locations Limit

The closest points, as a percentage of the points of the Location Points value.

Create Report

Specifies whether an output report will be created.

  • Checked—A report will be created.
  • Unchecked—A report will not be created. This is the default.
Report Title

The title of the output report.

Output Report Folder

The directory that will contain the output report.

Report Output Formats

The output report formats. The default value is InfographicHTML. Additional available formats are PDF, XLSX, S.XLSX, HTML, S.XML, ZIP, CVS, PAGX, and InfographicPDF.

Report Fields

The additional fields that will be added to the report.

Travel Direction

Specifies whether travel times or distances will be measured from location points to input features or from input features to location points.

  • Toward Input FeaturesThe direction of travel will be from location points to input features. This is the default.
  • Away from Input FeaturesThe direction of travel will be from input features to location points.
Time of Day

The time at which travel begins.

Time Zone

Specifies the time zone that will be used for the Time of Day parameter.

  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used. Choose this option if you want the best location for a specific time, such as now, but aren't certain of the time zone in which the in_location_points value will be located.
  • Local time at locationsThe time zone in which the in_location_points value will be located will be used. If the travel direction is input features to location points, this is the time zone of the input features. If the travel direction is location points to input features, this is the time zone of the location points. This is the default.
  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used. Choose this option if you want the best location for a specific time, such as now, but aren't certain of the time zone in which the Location Points value will be located.
  • Local time at locationsThe time zone in which the Location Points value will be located will be used. If the travel direction is input features to location points, this is the time zone of the input features. If the travel direction is location points to input features, this is the time zone of the location points. This is the default.
Search Tolerance

The maximum distance that input points can be from the network. Points located beyond the search tolerance will be excluded from processing.

Linear Unit

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Report

The output report file.


Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Обязательно Business Analyst
  • Standard: Обязательно Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Обязательно Business Analyst

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