Generate Threshold Rings (Business Analyst)

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Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

Краткая информация

Creates a feature class of ring trade areas that expand around point features until the threshold value is reached.


  • The size of the output rings is determined by Threshold Values entered for a selected Threshold Variable from the active Business Analyst dataset.

  • Multiple threshold rings can be created around each input by typing individual values into separate threshold value text boxes.

  • The ID Field parameter value uniquely identifies the point location around which threshold rings are created.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Features

The input point feature layer.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output feature class.

Feature Class
Threshold Variable

The selected Business Analyst dataset variable to which the threshold value will be applied.

Threshold Values

The size of the output rings. The rings will expand until they contain the threshold value of the selected variable.

Distance Units

The distance units to be used with the threshold values.

ID Field

An ID that uniquely identifies each input point and is included in the output as an attribute.

Input Method

Specifies the type of value that is to be used for each drive time.

  • ValuesUses a constant value (all trade areas will be the same size). This is the default.
  • ExpressionThe values from a field or an expression (trade areas can be a different size).

A fields-based expression to calculate the radii.

SQL Expression

Параметры среды

Особые случаи

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Обязательно Business Analyst
  • Standard: Обязательно Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Обязательно Business Analyst

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