How Suitability Analysis works

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Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

Suitability Analysis qualifies, compares, and ranks candidate sites based on how closely they adhere to criteria that is selected and defined.

Suitability Analysis ranks and scores sites based on multiple weighted criteria. The suitability of a candidate site can be ranked based on data variables, site attributes, or proximity to point features. Selected criteria are assigned weights to determine scores for each potential site. An interactive review illustrates the final score ranks from most suitable to least suitable.

Suitability Analysis applications

Suitability Analysis is performed on polygonal inputs and may represent sales regions, standard geographies such as ZIP Codes, or candidate site trade areas. The analysis of a suitability layer's candidate sites is driven by criteria that are selected, formatted, and subsequently adjusted at the user's discretion.

Suitability Analysis can answer some of the following common business task questions:

  • Which region is most suitable for expansion?
  • Within a selected region, which area is most conducive to sales growth?
  • Which of a set of candidate sites is optimal, based on existence of competitors, proximity to customers, and demographic characteristics?
  • How does it change the suitability score to weight the existence of competitors as twice as important as the number of people in your trade area?

Связанные разделы

В этом разделе
  1. Suitability Analysis applications