Подпись | Описание | Тип данных |
Input Video File | The input video file that will be converted to a FMV-compliant video file. The following video file types are supported: .avi (supports H.264, not H.265), .h264, .mp2, .mp4, .m2ts, .mpeg, .mpeg2, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mpg2, .mpg4, .ps, .ts, and vob. | File |
Metadata File | Файл с разделителями в виде запятых (CSV), содержащий метаданные видеокадров для указанного времени. Каждый столбец соответствует одному полю метаданных, а один из столбцов должен содержать временную метку. Временная метка - это Unix Time Stamp (количество секунд после 1970), умноженное на миллион, хранится в целочисленном формате. Время хранится таким образом, что любой момент времени (до одной миллионной секунды), может быть задан целым числом. Соответственно, временное различие 500000 между двумя записями составляет половину секунды. The first row contains the field names for the metadata columns. These field names are listed in the FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv file obtained from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo, or your custom field names can be matched to their corresponding FMV field names using the template. Each subsequent row contains the metadata values for a specific time, called a time stamp. The metadata field names can be in any order and should be named exactly as listed in the FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv template to map your metadata field names to the proper FMV metadata field names. | File |
Output Video File | The name of the output video file, including the file extension. Supported video files are as follows: .h264, .mp2, .mp4, .m2ts, .mpeg, .mpeg2, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mpg2, .mpg4, .ps, .ts, and vob. | File |
Metadata Mapping File (Дополнительный) | Файл CSV , содержащий 5 столбцов и 87 строк, основан на файле шаблона FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv, полученного из C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo. This CSV file cross references your metadata field name to the FMV field name. Each row represents one of the standard metadata parameters, such as sensor latitude. The first two columns contain the information for the tag and MISB parameter name already provided in the form. The third column contains the field name as it appears in the Input Metadata File parameter. When the third column is populated, the software can match your metadata field names to the proper FMV metadata tags. | File |
Timeshift File (Дополнительный) | A file containing defined time shift intervals. Ideally, the video images and the metadata are synchronized in time. When this is the case, the image footprint in full motion video surrounds features that can be seen in the video image. Sometimes there is a mismatch between the timing of the video and the timing in the metadata. This leads to an apparent time delay between when a ground feature is surrounded by the image footprint and when that ground feature is visible in the video image. If this time shift is observable and consistent, the multiplexer can adjust the timing of the metadata to match the video. If there is a mismatch between the timing of the video and metadata, specify the time shift in the FMV_Multiplexer_TimeShift_Template.csv template, obtained from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo. The time shift observations file is a CSV file containing two columns (elapsed time and time shift) and one or more data rows. A row for column names is optional. For example, if the video image has a 5-second lag for the entire time, the time shift observation file would have one line: 0:00, -5. The entire video is shifted 5 seconds. If there is a 5-second lag at the 0:18 mark of the video, and a 9-second lag at the 2:21 mark of the video, the time shift observation file would have the following two lines:
In this case, the video is shifted differently at the beginning of the video and at the end of the video. You can define any number of time shift intervals in the time shift observation file. | File |
Digital Elevation Model (Дополнительный) | The source of the elevation needed for calculating the video frame corner coordinates. The source can be a layer, image service, or an average ground elevation or ocean depth. The average elevation value needs to include the units of measurement such as meters or feet or other measure of length. The accuracy of the video footprint and frame center depends on the accuracy of the DEM data source provided. It is recommended that you provide a DEM layer or image service. If you do not have access to DEM data, you can enter an average elevation and unit relative to sea level, such as 15 feet or 10 meters. In the case of a submersible, you can enter -15 feet or -10 meters. Using an average elevation or ocean depth is not as accurate as providing a DEM or bathymetric data. To calculate frame corner coordinates, the average elevation value must always be less than the sensor's altitude or depth as recorded in the metadata. For example, if the video was filmed at a sensor altitude of 10 meters and higher, a valid average elevation could be 9 meters or less. If a video was filmed underwater at a depth of -10 meters and deeper, the valid average elevation (relative to sea level) could be -11 or deeper. If the Sensor Altitude value is less than the average elevation value, the four corner coordinates will not be calculated for that record. If you do not know the average elevation of your project area, use a DEM. | Raster Layer; Image Service; Linear Unit |
Доступно с лицензией Image Analyst.
Краткая информация
Creates a video file that combines an archived video stream file and an associated metadata file synchronized by a time stamp.
The tool creates a single FMV-compliant video file from a video stream file and a separate associated metadata file. The metadata is encoded in the video file by a synchronized time stamp. The process of combining the two files containing the video and metadata files is called multiplexing.
Этот инструмент предназначен для архивных видео файлов и не работает с потоковым видео в реальном времени.
The format of the video file to be multiplexed must be one of the 12 supported video formats. The separate metadata file is a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing the proper field headings and associated values.
The supported video formats are listed in the following table:
Описание Дополнительный модуль MPEG-2 Transport Stream
.ts MPEG-2 Program Stream
.ps Файл MPEG
.mpg Файл MPEG-2
.mpg2 Файл MPEG-2
.mp2 Файл MPEG
.mpeg VLC (mpeg2)
.mpeg2 MPEG-4 Movie
.mp4 Файл MPEG-4
.mpg4 MPEG-Dash
.mpd Файл видео H264
.h264 Файл VLC Media (mpeg4)
.mpeg4 Файл VLC Media (vob)
.vob The metadata associated with the video stream file is used to compute the flight path of the video sensor, the video image frame center, and the four corners of the video frame footprint on the map.
FMV supports the Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB) specification. The full MISB specification
defines many more parameters than those required for FMV. The MISB parameters provided will be encoded into the final video, including all parameters or a subset thereof.
To compute and display the relative corner points of the video image footprint as a frame outline on the map, you will need the 12 essential metadata fields listed below and further detailed in the parameter description. When the metadata is complete and accurate, the tool will calculate the video frame corners, and thus the size, shape, and position of the video frame outline that can then be displayed on a map. The required metadata fields needed to calculate the video frame footprint on the map are as follows:
- Точная временная отметка
- Широта сенсора
- Долгота сенсора
- Эллипсоидальная высота сенсора или Истинная высота сенсора
- Угол направления платформы
- Угол тангажа платформы
- Угол крена платформы
- Угол относительного тангажа сенсора
- Угол относительной высоты сенсора
- Угол относительного азимута сенсора
- Горизонтальное поле зрения сенсора
- Вертикальное поле зрения сенсора
This is the minimum metadata required to compute the transform between video and map, display the video footprint on the map, and enable other functionality such as digitizing and marking on the video and the map.
The values for the metadata fields can be input in the metadata template, FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv, obtained from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo.
- The FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv file contains all the MISB metadata fields.
- Only the 12 parameters defined above are needed to create the FMV-compliant video file. You do not need to provide all the parameters defined in the MISB specification to create a FMV-compliant video file. If additional MISB parameters are provided, they will be encoded into the FMV-compliant video file.
The performance of the resulting multiplexed video file depends on the type and quality of the data contained in the metadata file, and how accurately the video data and metadata files are synchronized.
- If your FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv file only contains UNIX Time Stamp, Sensor Latitude, and Sensor Longitude fields, the location of the sensor will be displayed on the map, but the footprint of the video frames will not be displayed. Some functionality, such as digitizing features and measuring distance within the video, will not be supported.
- If the time stamp linking the video and metadata is not accurately synchronized, the video footprint and sensor location on the map will be offset from the view in the video player. In this case, use the FMV_Multiplexer_TimeShift_Template.csv template to adjust the timing of your video and metadata.
- The FMV_Multiplexer_TimeShift_Template.csv template can be obtained from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo.
One set of parameters in the FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv file includes the map coordinates of the four corners of the video image frame projected to the ground. If the four corner map coordinates are provided, they will be used in creating the FMV-compliant video. If the four corner map coordinates are not provided, provide a source for DEM data in the Digital Elevation Model parameter, and the tool will compute the video footprint from the required parameters listed above.
The accuracy of the video footprint and frame center depends on the accuracy of the DEM data source provided. If you do not have access to DEM data, you can enter an average elevation and unit relative to sea level, such as 15 feet or 10 meters. In the case of a submersible, you can enter -15 feet or -10 meters. Using an average elevation or ocean depth is not as accurate as providing a DEM or bathymetric data. It is recommended that you provide a DEM layer or image service if it is available.
FMV supports Video Moving Target Indicator (VMTI) data, based on object tracking methods in motion imagery. If VMTI data is recorded in a file separate from the associated video file, it can be encoded into the video file using the video multiplexer tool. FMV supports the MISB Video Moving Target Indicator and Track Metadata standard.
Encode the VMTI data into your video by supplying the required VMTI information for the proper video frame using a CSV metadata file containing the data for the fields:
- LDSVer,TimeStamp,FrameCenterLongitude,FrameCenterLatitude,SensorLongitude,SensorLatitude,vmtilocaldataset
- 5,1546300800231000,-76.1309338,36.91118708,-76.1309338,36.91118708,1 0.9938099 1611919 1815608 1711844;1 0.39056745 1438997 1556213 1496645
The last column, vmtilocaldataset, contains the detected object's bounding box, where each space-delimited value is defined by three values:
- Object_ID Confidence_Level Top_Left_Pixel Bottom_Right_Pixel Center_Pixel
You can specify multiple object detections for a given time stamp with a ; (semicolon) delimiter as shown in the example above.
Use MISB Tag 74 in the FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv file.
VideoMultiplexer(in_video_file, metadata_file, out_video_file, {metadata_mapping_file}, {timeshift_file}, {elevation_layer})
Имя | Описание | Тип данных |
in_video_file | The input video file that will be converted to a FMV-compliant video file. The following video file types are supported: .avi (supports H.264, not H.265), .h264, .mp2, .mp4, .m2ts, .mpeg, .mpeg2, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mpg2, .mpg4, .ps, .ts, and vob. | File |
metadata_file | Файл с разделителями в виде запятых (CSV), содержащий метаданные видеокадров для указанного времени. Каждый столбец соответствует одному полю метаданных, а один из столбцов должен содержать временную метку. Временная метка - это Unix Time Stamp (количество секунд после 1970), умноженное на миллион, хранится в целочисленном формате. Время хранится таким образом, что любой момент времени (до одной миллионной секунды), может быть задан целым числом. Соответственно, временное различие 500000 между двумя записями составляет половину секунды. The first row contains the field names for the metadata columns. These field names can be matched to their corresponding field names using the FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv file if needed. Each subsequent row contains the metadata values for the time indicated in the time field. The FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv template can be obtained from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo. | File |
out_video_file | The name of the output video file, including the file extension. Supported video files are as follows: .h264, .mp2, .mp4, .m2ts, .mpeg, .mpeg2, .mpeg4, .mpg, .mpg2, .mpg4, .ps, .ts, and vob. | File |
metadata_mapping_file (Дополнительный) | Файл CSV , содержащий 5 столбцов и 87 строк, основан на файле шаблона FMV_Multiplexer_Field_Mapping_Template.csv, полученного из C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo. Each row represents one of the standard MISB metadata tags, such as sensor latitude. The first two columns contain the MISB index and MISB tag name. The third column contains the field name as it appears in the in_metadata_file parameter if present. When the third column is populated, the software can match the metadata field names to the proper FMV metadata tags. The fourth and fifth columns represent the units and any notes associated with the tag. | File |
timeshift_file (Дополнительный) | A file containing defined time shift intervals. Ideally, the video images and the metadata are synchronized in time. When this is the case, the image footprint in full motion video surrounds features that can be seen in the video image. Sometimes there is a mismatch between the timing of the video and the timing in the metadata. This leads to an apparent time delay between when a ground feature is surrounded by the image footprint and when that ground feature is visible in the video image. If this time shift is observable and consistent, the multiplexer can adjust the timing of the metadata to match the video. If there is a mismatch between the timing of the video and metadata, specify the time shift in the FMV_Multiplexer_TimeShift_Template.csv template, obtained from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\FullMotionVideo. The time shift observations file is a CSV file containing two columns (elapsed time and time shift) and one or more data rows. A row for column names is optional. For example, if the video image has a 5-second lag for the entire time, the time shift observation file would have one line: 0:00, -5. The entire video is shifted 5 seconds. If there is a 5-second lag at the 0:18 mark of the video, and a 9-second lag at the 2:21 mark of the video, the time shift observation file would have the following two lines:
In this case, the video is shifted differently at the beginning of the video and at the end of the video. You can define any number of time shift intervals in the time shift observation file. | File |
elevation_layer (Дополнительный) | The source of the elevation needed for calculating the video frame corner coordinates. The source can be a layer, image service, or an average ground elevation or ocean depth. The average elevation value needs to include the units of measurement such as meters or feet or other measure of length. The accuracy of the video footprint and frame center depends on the accuracy of the DEM data source provided. It is recommended that you provide a DEM layer or image service. If you do not have access to DEM data, you can enter an average elevation and unit relative to sea level, such as 15 feet or 10 meters. In the case of a submersible, you can enter -15 feet or -10 meters. Using an average elevation or ocean depth is not as accurate as providing a DEM or bathymetric data. To calculate frame corner coordinates, the average elevation value must always be less than the sensor's altitude or depth as recorded in the metadata. For example, if the video was filmed at a sensor altitude of 10 meters and higher, a valid average elevation could be 9 meters or less. If a video was filmed underwater at a depth of -10 meters and deeper, the valid average elevation (relative to sea level) could be -11 or deeper. If the Sensor Altitude value is less than the average elevation value, the four corner coordinates will not be calculated for that record. If you do not know the average elevation of your project area, use a DEM. | Raster Layer; Image Service; Linear Unit |
Пример кода
This example creates a video file that combines an archived video and related metadata.
arcpy.ia.VideoMultiplexer(r"C:\input_video.mpeg", r"C:\video_metadata.csv", r"C:\output_video.mpeg",
r"C:\Video_Multiplexer_TimeShift_Template.csv", "c:\\test\\dem.tif”)
This example creates a video file that combines an archived video and related metadata.
import arcpy
from arcpy.ia import *
in_video = "c:\\test\\drone_vid.mpeg"
in_metadata = "c:\\test\\videometadata.csv"
out_video = "c:\\test\\mutiplexer_output.mpeg"
MISB_mapping = "c:\\test\\Field_Mapping_Template.csv"
time_shift_file = "c:\\test\\timeshift.csv"
in_elevation_layer = "c:\\test\\dem.tif"
arcpy.ia.VideoMultiplexer(in_video, in_metadata, out_video, MISB_mapping, time_shift_file, in_elevation_layer)
Параметры среды
Информация о лицензиях
- Basic: Обязательно Image Analyst
- Standard: Обязательно Image Analyst
- Advanced: Обязательно Image Analyst