Generate Events (Location Referencing)

Эта документация ArcGIS 2.9 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

Доступно с лицензией Location Referencing.

Краткая информация

Regenerates shapes for event features registered with an LRS Network.


  • An LRS dataset is required to run this tool. To create an LRS dataset, add the calibration point, centerline, and redline layers to a feature dataset; then run the Modify LRS tool with the geodatabase as the input.

  • Use the event whose features need to be regenerated based on the route and measure of the event as input.

  • When conflict prevention is enabled for the tool, any events being generated by the tool will be locked.

    • While working in the default version, the locks acquired are released automatically when the tool completes.
    • While working in a child version, the locks acquired will remain in On Post status when the tool completes. The lock owner must post or delete the version to release the locks.
    • While working in a child version, if the execution of the tool is canceled by interruption, the locks are acquired and will remain in releasable status when the tool completes.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Event Layer

The event for which shapes will be regenerated.

Feature Layer

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Event Layers

The updated events feature layer.


Validation results for this tool are written to the ArcGIS Server directory. This file is automatically cleaned up in 10 minutes by default, which may not be enough time to process all of the validations and write them to your workstation that is running ArcGIS Pro. For larger data loads, it is recommended that you adjust the maximum file age to at least one hour.

Feature Layer
Output Results File

A text file that details changes made by the tool.

Text File

Параметры среды

Особые случаи

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Обязательно ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Location Referencing

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