Import S-100 Feature Catalogue (Maritime)

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

Краткая информация

Imports the contents of an S-100 feature catalogue into an existing geodatabase. A feature catalogue is an XML document that describes the content of a data product.

Examples of S-100 data products include the following:

  • S-101 Electronic Navigation Chart
  • S-111 Surface Currents


  • The Target Workspace must already exist and be either a file or an enterprise geodatabase. To create a new, empty geodatabase use the Create File Geodatabase tool.

  • The feature catalogue must be in XML format.

  • This tool should not be used to update or upgrade a geodatabase that contains existing data or schema.

  • This tool is intended for the initial import of an S-100 feature catalogue into a geodatabase. If multiple geodatabases of the same S-100 standard are needed, it is recommended to copy the geodatabase after running this tool.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
S-100 Feature Catalogue

An S-100 feature catalogue document that describes the content of a data product and specification.

Target Workspace

The geodatabase to which output data will be written.

Administrator Connection

Optional enterprise geodatabase administrator connection file that should be used when importing into an enterprise geodatabase, for example, the SDE user.


Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Workspace

The geodatabase to which output data will be written.


arcpy.maritime.ImportS100FeatureCatalogue(in_feature_catalogue, target_workspace, {admin_connection})
ИмяОписаниеТип данных

An S-100 feature catalogue document that describes the content of a data product and specification.


The geodatabase to which output data will be written.


Optional enterprise geodatabase administrator connection file that should be used when importing into an enterprise geodatabase, for example, the SDE user.


Производные выходные данные

ИмяОписаниеТип данных

The geodatabase to which output data will be written.


Пример кода

ImportS100FeatureCatalogue example (stand-alone script)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ImportS100FeatureCatalogue tool.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check for Nautical extension
if arcpy.CheckExtension("nautical") == "Available":
    print ("License checked out successfully ....")
    raise ex("Maritime license is unavailable.")
#Tool variables
in_feature_catalogue = r"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Maritime\S-101 ENCs_draft_0.9.1.1.xml"
target_workspace = r" C:\Data\ImportS100FC.gdb"

# Execute the tool
arcpy.ImportS100FeatureCatalogue_maritime(in_feature_catalogue, target_workspace)

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Maritime

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