Add sites from Business Analyst Web App

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

Sites from Business Analyst Web App projects created by or shared with you—such as point locations, polygons, and geographies—can be added to ArcGIS Pro and used in analysis.

Sites in Business Analyst Web App are categorized in three groups:

  • Point Locations—Geocoded addresses and pinned locations, plus associated buffers such as a drive time or ring.
  • Polygons—Custom boundaries, hand-drawn areas, and rings.
  • Geographies—Standard political or administrative boundaries, such as city limits, counties, states, and provinces.

Sites added to an ArcGIS Pro project from Business Analyst Web App retain their symbology and structure. For example, drive-time buffers are preserved and associated with their point locations. The layers added to ArcGIS Pro are based on the feature services hosted in your portal.


To use this workflow, you must be signed in to a portal that contains Business Analyst Web App projects.

To add web app sites in ArcGIS Pro, do the following:

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Workflows group, click Business Analysis and click Add Business Analyst App Sites Add Business Analyst Web App Sites.

    The Add Sites dialog box appears.

  2. Select a project from the Web App Project drop-down menu.

    You can select any project in your organization using the My Projects and Shared Projects sections.

  3. Optionally, turn on the Select individual sites toggle to enable site selection.

    When selecting sites individually, the limit is five sites.

  4. To add sites, check the check box next to a category of sites, such as My Point Locations, or next to individual sites.

    You can locate and learn more about sites by doing any of the following:

    • Enter search terms in the Search Sites field.
    • Use the Filter Фильтр drop-down menu to view only selected site categories.
    • Click Site Details Site Details to view site attributes set in Business Analyst Web App.

  5. Click OK.

    The sites are added to the map and stored in the Contents pane under the name of the project from which they were added.

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