Run reports and infographics

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

Reports and infographics allow you to visualize and analyze key information about geographic areas, such as polygons and trade areas. You can run predesigned templates, import and run custom templates from Business Analyst Web App, or run infographics and reports that you built in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. You can run a report or infographic using online or local datasets, populating it with data from Esri demographic data portfolios, ArcGIS content, and custom data from statistical data collections.

You can export infographics and reports that are included with Business Analyst, those shared with you by other users, and those that you created. Infographics and reports can be formatted as .pdf, .xlsx, .html, simple .xml, .zip, .csv, and .pagx files.

To run infographics and reports, do the following:

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  2. On the Toolboxes tab, in the Business Analyst Tools section, expand the Reports toolset and click Summary Reports.
  3. In the Summary Reports pane, use the Boundary Layer drop-down menu to choose a layer that contains the areas on which to run reports and infographics.
  4. Use the Create Reports drop-down menu to select reports and infographics to run and click Add. You can select report and infographic templates in the following sections:
    • Esri Reports—Ready-to-use reports included with ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro.
    • Standard Infographics—Ready-to-use infographics included with ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro.
    • My Reports—Templates created or imported by you. Templates in this section vary based on your selected data source:
      • If you are using locally stored or installed data, this section includes infographic and report templates created in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro and templates you imported from Business Analyst Web App.
      • If you are using online data, this section includes templates created and saved in Business Analyst Web App.
    • Shared Reports—Templates shared with you by others in your organization. This section is only available when using online data.
  5. Use the Output Folder field to choose a destination for saving the reports and infographics.

    The default destination is the current project folder.

  6. Optionally, expand the Report Formatting section and do the following:
    • Use the Summarization Options drop-down menu to specify whether to create reports for individual features, the whole layer, or both. Check the Single Report option to combine all report content into a unified document.
    • Use the Report Output Formats fields to specify format of the report or infographic. The default export format is PDF.
  7. Optionally, expand the Report Header Options section to specify fields in the report.
  8. Click Run.

    The selected infographics and reports are run and saved in the chosen output folder.

  9. To view the infographics and reports, click View Details in the Summary Reports completed message and then select the desired output files.

You can also run infographics from the Map tab, in the Inquiry group, by clicking Infographics Инфографика to interactively view infographic templates.