ArcGIS Maritime data models

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

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ArcGIS Maritime provides data models for the transfer, conversion, and production of hydrographic data. A data model is a database schema that allows the organization of all data types in the geodatabase. Geodatabase topology, which enforces the data integrity of products at a specific scale, is not included in the ENC, IENC, or bIENC data models. You can add a corresponding topology to a database if the ArcGIS Maritime product files are installed. For DNC data models, geodatabase topology is included in the respective Harbor, Approach, Coastal, and General geodatabases.

ArcGIS Maritime editing and geoprocessing tools require that the target workspace contains a maritime schema. Schemas for the various maritime data models are included with the ArcGIS Maritime product files and are located in the <installation_location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version> folder once installed. Product schemas can be found in their corresponding subfolders.

The data models included with ArcGIS Maritime support the following hydrographic data formats:

  • Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 ENC)
  • Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 IENC)
  • Bathymetric Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 bIENC)
  • Electronic Navigational Chart (S-101 ENC)
  • Digital Nautical Chart (DNC)
  • Additional Military Layers (AML)
  • Paper Chart

Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 ENC)

The ENC data model supports six scales: Berthing, Harbor, Approach, Coastal, General, and Overview. All S-57 objects are available in all six scales; therefore, there is only one ENC data model. The ENC data model contains the Nautical feature dataset, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 IENC)

The IENC data model supports ten scales: Berthing, Harbor, Approach, Coastal, General, Overview, River, River Harbor, River Berthing, and Overlay. All inland S-57 objects are available in all ten scales; therefore, there is only one IENC data model. The IENC data model contains the Nautical feature dataset, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

Bathymetric Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 bIENC)

The bIENC data model supports nine scales: Berthing, Harbor, Approach, Coastal, General, Overview, River, River Harbor, and River Berthing. All bathymetric inland S-57 objects are available in all nine scales; therefore there is only one bIENC data model. The bIENC data model contains the Nautical feature dataset, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

Electronic Navigational Chart (S-101 ENC)

The S-101 ENC data model is available as a Feature Catalogue document that supports storing data used in S-101 products. All objects are available in all scales and there is no topology defined; therefore, there is only one S-101 ENC data model. The S-101 ENC data model contains the S-101 feature dataset, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

Digital Nautical Chart (DNC)

There are four DNC data models that support each of the four DNC scales: Harbor, Approach, Coastal, and General. Additionally, DNC data models contain the DNC feature dataset for each scale. In the four scaled geodatabases, the DNC feature datasets consist of feature classes and subtypes specific to each DNC scale, as well as a geodatabase topology. Each of the DNC models include DBS_FC_VVT and Notes tables.

Additional Military Layers (S-57 AML)

There are seven AML data models: CLB (Contour Line Bathymetry), ESB (Environment Seabed & Beach), LBO (Large Bottom Objects), MFF (Maritime Foundation & Facilities), RAL (Routes, Areas & Limits), SBO (Small Bottom Objects), and AML 3.0. The AML data models contain the Nautical feature dataset, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

Paper chart

The paper chart data model supports hard-copy and raster nautical chart production at any scale. It stores S-57 feature object as well as cartographic information. The paper chart data model contains the CartographicFeatures, GRD_Grids, and Nautical feature datasets, as well as stand-alone support feature classes and support tables.