Import S-57 cells to a geodatabase

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

The ArcGIS Maritime Import S-57 to Geodatabase tool supports the import of S-57 products.

During the import process, a product configuration file in XML format is referenced to map the S-57 objects and attributes to the geodatabase. If necessary, you can copy and edit the product configuration file to restrict, modify, or expand the objects and attributes imported to the geodatabase.

The following are recommended:

  • The Target Workspace must contain an S-57 schema. You can use the Import XML Workspace Document tool with the Import Options parameter set to Import data and schema to create an S-57 geodatabase.

    Use the Maritime workspace .xml file to create the Maritime database based on the desired S-57 product type. For example, NAUTICAL_ENC_TEMPLATE_GX_EXTCLSID.xml provides the schema for an ENC product. When the Maritime product files are installed, the .xml files are located in the <installation_location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-57 folder.

  • Import to an edit version when using an enterprise geodatabase.
  • You must import revision files (ER), also known as updates, at the same time that you import the base file.

    Individual ERs cannot be imported later.

To import using the tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. On the Analysis tab, click Tools.
  3. Click Geoprocessing, browse to Maritime Tools > S-57 > Management, and double-click Import S-57 to Geodatabase.
  4. Set the Input Base S-57 Cell parameter to the product you want to import in S-57 format (*.000).
  5. Optionally, set the Update Cells parameter to the ER files to import with the S-57 base cell.

    ER files don't need to be in sequential order; for example, they can be entered as *.002, *.003, *.001. All ER files must be included. A missing file causes an invalid input, for example, *.001, *.003, *.004.

  6. Set the Target Workspace parameter to the geodatabase containing the S-57 schema.
  7. If you have a customized product configuration file, use the Product Configuration File parameter to specify its location.

    If the parameter is left blank, the default product .xml file in the <installation_location>\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Maritime folder is used. For example, the ENC_product.xml file is used for an ENC product.

  8. Click Run.

Tool messages report the metadata, object count, and total number of S-57 features imported. Messages are stored in the project's geoprocessing History pane.

S-57 data coverages, also known as areas of interest (AOI), are added to the ProductCoverage feature class.

The S-57 cell metadata and its extraction filter (WhereClause) are added to the ProductDefinitions table.

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