Aggregate Obstacles (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Aviation Charting.

Краткая информация

Aggregates obstacle features within a given radius so that the highest obstacle in the group represents the entire group.

This tool groups cartographic representation of obstacle data on dense or crowded charts. Instead of being displayed individually, obstacle data will be represented as groups of obstacles based on the location of the highest obstacle in each group.


  • The tool uses the geometry and attribution of the obstacle at the highest Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) elevation (measured at either the base or the top of the obstacle) to represent all obstacles within a search radius of that obstacle.

  • Obstacles are considered for grouping if they are as tall or taller (height above ground level) than the provided height threshold (or the built-up area height threshold if inside a built-up area polygon).

  • You can specify whether obstacle elevations will be measured on the ground at the base of the obstacle or at the top of the obstacle.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Obstacle Features

The input obstacle features.

Feature Layer
Height Field

The field containing the height of the obstacle features.

Height Field Units

Specifies the units that will be used for obstacle height.

  • MetersThe obstacle height will be in meters.
  • DecimetersThe obstacle height will be in decimeters.
  • CentimetersThe obstacle height will be in centimeters.
  • MillimetersThe obstacle height will be in millimeters.
  • YardsThe obstacle height will be in yards.
  • FeetThe obstacle height will be in feet. This is the default.
  • InchesThe obstacle height will be in inches.
Elevation Field

The field containing the elevation of the obstacle features.

Elevation Field Units

Specifies the units that will be used for obstacle elevation.

  • MetersThe obstacle elevation will be in meters.
  • DecimetersThe obstacle elevation will be in decimeters.
  • CentimetersThe obstacle elevation will be in centimeters.
  • MillimetersThe obstacle elevation will be in millimeters.
  • YardsThe obstacle elevation will be in yards.
  • FeetThe obstacle elevation will be in feet. This is the default.
  • InchesThe obstacle elevation will be in inches.
Elevation Interpretation

Specifies how obstacle elevations will be measured.

  • On the GroundElevation values will be measured using the AMSL elevation of the base of the obstacle. The height value will be added to the elevation value to determine the elevation of the top of the obstacle.
  • Above the GroundElevation values will be measured using the AMSL elevation of the top of the obstacle. This is the default.
Target Obstacle Group Features

The output feature class to which aggregated obstacle features will be written.

Feature Layer
Target Obstacle Group Label

The text describing the obstacle grouping. The text is used to identify obstacle groups for different chart specifications that may be created using different parameters.

Obstacle Association Table

A table that will be populated with information linking each obstacle group feature to the obstacles it represents.

Table View
Search Radius

The radius within which the obstacles will be grouped.

Linear Unit
Height Threshold

The height threshold for an obstacle to be considered for grouping. Obstacles with a height value greater than or equal to this value will be considered.

Linear Unit
Built-Up Areas

Polygon features designating built-up areas. These represent areas where a different height threshold is required.

Feature Layer
Built-Up Areas Height Threshold

The height threshold for an obstacle within a built-up area polygon to be considered for grouping. Obstacles with a height value equal to or greater than this value will be considered.

Linear Unit
Obstacle Grouping Type

Specifies the geometry type of the obstacle groups that will be generated.

  • To pointObstacles will be generated as points. This is the default.
  • To polygonObstacles will be generated as polygons.
Target Obstacle Polygon Group Features

The output polygon feature class to which aggregated obstacle features will be written.

Feature Layer
Minimum Polygon Area

The minimum area of an output polygon before it collapses to a point feature.

Areal Unit

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated Obstacle Group Features

The updated obstacle group features.

Feature Layer
Updated Obstacle Polygon Group Features

The updated obstacle polygon group features.

Feature Layer
Updated Obstacle Association Rows

The updated obstacle association rows.

Table View

Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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