Generate Airway Corridors (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Aviation Charting.

Краткая информация

Simplifies the creation of airway corridors and flares for specified ATS routes.

This tool creates new AirspaceArea features representing airway corridors and flares and populates attributes needed for charting purposes. You can also use this tool to provide airway floor data to split the created corridor and flares at specified locations where the airway floor elevation changes.


  • The required feature classes, tables, and attributes are described in the following table:


    ATSRoute (feature class)

    This tool will honor the selection and definition query on ATS routes.

    Enroute Information (stand-alone table)

    The table must contain the following attributes: GFID, Distance_Val, and Doglegpoint_Id.

    DesignatedPoint (feature class)

    Point geometry type.

    The feature class must contain the following attributes: GFID and Ident_Txt.

    AirspaceArea (feature class)

    Polygon geometry type.

    The feature class must contain the following attributes: Ident_Txt, LocalType_Txt, Type_Code, Class_Code, DistVertLower_Val, and DistVertLower_UOM.

    ChangeOver (feature class)

    Point geometry type.

    The feature class must contain the following attributes: GFID and ATSRoute_Id.

    Airway Floors (stand-alone table)

    The table must contain the following attributes: RouteIdent_Txt, Description_Txt, StartPoint_Id, and EndPoint_Id.

  • Внимание:

    Этот инструмент изменяет входные значения. Более подробно о стратегиях предотвращения нежелательных изменений данных см. в разделе Инструменты, которые изменяют или обновляют входные данные.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input ATS Route Features

The input route segment features (polyline) for which corridors and flares will be created.

Feature Layer
Enroute Information Table

The table containing route information records that describe airways composed of one or more route segment polylines. Each record provides information such as the Route length and Doglegpoint_Id attributes.

Table View
Designated Point Features

The feature class containing point features that start or end route segment features.

Feature Layer
Target AirspaceArea Features

The feature class that will be used to store the generated corridor and flare features.

Feature Layer
Airway Floors Table

The table containing airway floor descriptions that will be used to split the corridors and flares created for the route.

Table View
Create Flare for Route

The route types that will have flares created. All route types will have corridors created, regardless of selection.

Route Flare Angle

The angle in degrees that will be used to create flares for routes.

Minimum Route Distance

The minimum distance or length in nautical miles for a route to have a flare created.

ChangeOver Point Features

The feature class containing change over points for routes.

Feature Layer

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated AirspaceArea Features

The updated target airspace area feature class in which the corridors and flares will be generated.

Feature Layer

Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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