Analyze Market Potential (Business Analyst)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Business Analyst.

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Generates a layer that displays expected customers by a selected geography level.

Learn more about Analyze Market Potential outputs


  • The output of this tool predicts the quantity of customers in new areas based on the segmentation distribution of customers in existing markets.

  • The Expected Customers field is symbolized in the output feature class by default.

  • Ensure that the input profiles were built with the same source Business Analyst dataset that is active when using this tool.

  • The optional output report contains the same information that is included in the output feature class attribute table in tabular format.

  • Expected customer values are created by applying segmentation penetration rates, calculated by comparing distributions of target and base profiles, to the segmentation distribution for each geography in the analysis extent.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Target Profile

A segmentation profile representing the segments to be analyzed. The target profile usually represents your customer segmentation profile.

Base Profile

A segmentation profile representing the base profile segments. This is the segmentation used for comparison. The base profile usually represents your market area segmentation profile.

Geography Level

The geography level that will be used to define the market potential layer.

Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing the market potential analysis.

Feature Class
Boundary Layer

The boundary that determines the layer extent. If no value is provided, the entire country will be used.

Feature Layer
Create Report

Specifies whether a market potential report will be created.

  • Checked—A market potential report will be created.
  • Unchecked—A market potential report will not be created. This is the default.
Report Title

The title of the report.

Output Report Folder

The output location where the report will be saved.

Report Output Formats

The report output format. The default value is PDF. Additional available formats are XLSX, HTML, CSV, and PAGX.


Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Report

The output report file.


Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Обязательно Business Analyst
  • Standard: Обязательно Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Обязательно Business Analyst

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