Calculate Max Elevation Figures (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

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Calculates the maximum elevation figures (MEF) for each polygon cell or quadrangle in a polygon layer. These values are used as labels for the MEF feature layer.

To derive the highest obstruction value, the tool uses terrain data from a digital elevation model (DEM) and vertical obstruction data from a point feature class. You can calculate MEF values for a Joint Operations Graphic (JOG), Operational Navigation Chart (ONC), Tactical Pilotage Chart (TPC) grid cells, NATO STANAG-3591 Edition 6, or any other polygon grid features.


  • This tool will modify existing features by updating selected fields.

  • You can label the maximum elevation figures in the MEF feature layer. Complete the following steps to apply the label expression:

    1. Run the Calculate Max Elevation Figures tool on the MEF feature layer.
    2. Right-click the MEF feature layer in the Contents pane and click Labeling Properties Свойства надписей.

      The Label Class pane appears.

    3. Ensure that the Label expression tab Выражение надписи is active.
    4. For Language, choose VBScript.
    5. Load the expression below into the Expression window. Change all [MEF_VALUE] occurrences to the name of the mef_field.
      Function FindLabel ( [MEF_VALUE] )
      		Dim l, h, s, f, z, j, len2, lenfin
      		s = [MEF_VALUE]
      		len2 = len(s)
      		If len2 < 4 then
      			l = mid(s, 1, 1)
      			z = "<FNT name='Arial' size='30'>" & "0" & "</FNT>"
      			j = "<SUP><FNT name='Arial' size='30'>" & l & "</FNT></SUP>"
      			Findlabel = z & j
      		ElseIf len2 = 4 then
      			l = mid(s, 1, 1)
      			h = mid(s, 2, 1)
      			z = "<FNT name='Arial' size='30'>" & l & "</FNT>"
      			j = "<SUP><FNT name='Arial' size='30'>" & h & "</FNT></SUP>"
      			Findlabel = Z & j
      			l = mid(s, 1, 2)
      			h = mid(s, 3, 1)
      			z = "<FNT name='Arial' size='30'>" & l & "</FNT>"
      			j = "<SUP><FNT name='Arial' size='30'>" & h & "</FNT></SUP>"
      			Findlabel = Z & j
      		End If
      End Function
    6. Click Verify Проверить to validate the label expression.
    7. Click Apply.
    8. With the MEF feature layer active, click the Labeling tab.
    9. In the Layer group, click Enable Labeling Включить надписывание.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Target Max Elevation Figures Features

The input polygon features representing the quadrangle or cell that will be updated with MEF values.

Feature Layer
Input Terrain

The input terrain that will be used to determine elevation values in an MEF feature cell. If a point feature layer is used, elevation values are obtained from the field defined in the Terrain Elevation Field parameter.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer; Layer
Vertical Obstruction Features

The layers that will be used to identify the highest human-made structure in a cell. This is a value table defining features, elevation fields, and elevation units.

Value Table
Max Elevation Figures Field

The existing field in the Target Max Elevation Figures Features layer where the maximum elevation figure value will be stored.

Max Vertical Obstruction Field

The field in the Target Max Elevation Figures Features layer where the maximum vertical obstruction value will be stored.

Max Terrain Field

The field in the Target Max Elevation Figures Features layer where the maximum elevation values from the terrain layer will be stored.


Specifies the specification that will be used to calculate maximum elevation figures.

Terrain Elevation Field

A field in the Input Terrain value that represents the elevation values for each feature. If a point feature layer is used for the Input Terrain parameter value, this parameter is required. This parameter is inactive if a raster or mosaic layer is used as input for the Input Terrain parameter.

Vertical Obstruction Allowance

A vertical allowance value that will be added to each calculated MEF value. The value accounts for nonrepresented natural or manufactured features. The default is 150 feet.

Linear Unit
Vertical Obstruction Accuracy

The accuracy of the vertical obstruction feature layer within a specified number of units. The default is 20 meters.

Linear Unit
Terrain Accuracy

The accuracy of the terrain layer within a specified number of units. The default is 20 meters.

Linear Unit

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated Max Elevation Figures Features

The Target Max Elevation Figures Features parameter value with updated MEF values.

Feature Layer

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Обязательно Production Mapping

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