Merge Lines By Pseudo Node (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Архив справки

Краткая информация

Dissolves features where pseudo nodes occur.



    Этот инструмент изменяет входные значения. Более подробно о стратегиях предотвращения нежелательных изменений данных см. в разделе Инструменты, которые изменяют или обновляют входные данные.

  • Each field from the Input Features parameter value can only be used once as a Merge Field parameter value or as part of an Aggregate Operation parameter value.

  • When a field is used in the Merge Field parameter value, the features on either side of a pseudo node will only be combined if the values in the field match.

  • When a field is used as the Aggregate Operation parameter value, the values from two or more features will be calculated using the statistic specified and the new value will be applied to the combined feature.

  • For fields that aren't chosen as Merge Field or Aggregate Operations parameter values, the Merge Feature Rule parameter value will be used to determine the value applied to the combined feature.

  • Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

  • The Aggregate Operations parameter supports Minimum, Maximum, First, and Last options for string fields.

  • Multipart features will be skipped and not processed. You can run the Multipart To Singlepart tool before using this tool to convert multipart features to single-part features.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Features

The line features from which pseudo nodes will be removed.

Feature Layer
Merge Fields

The field or fields on which features will be merged.

Aggregate Operations

Specifies the fields that will be used to calculate the specified statistic. Multiple statistic and field combinations can be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Text attribute fields can be summarized using first and last statistics. Numeric attribute fields can be summarized using any statistic.

Available statistic types are as follows:

  • Sum—The total value for the specified field will be calculated.
  • Mean—The average for the specified field will be calculated.
  • Minimum—The smallest value for all records of the specified field will be found.
  • Maximum—The largest value for all records of the specified field will be found.
  • Range—The range of values (maximum minus minimum) for the specified field will be calculated.
  • Standard deviation—The standard deviation of values in the specified field will be calculated.
  • Count—The number of values included in statistical calculations will be found. Each value will be counted except null values. To determine the number of null values in a field, create a count on the field in question, create a count on a different field that does not contain null values (for example, the OID if present), and subtract the two values.
  • First—The value of the first record in the input will be used.
  • Last—The value of the last record in the input will be used.
  • Median—The median for all records of the specified field will be calculated.
  • Variance—The variance for all records of the specified field will be calculated.
  • Unique—The number of unique values of the specified field will be counted.

Value Table
Merge Feature Rule

Specifies which feature's attributes will be maintained when two features are merged at a pseudo node.

  • FirstThe feature with the lowest ObjectID and its attributes will be maintained while merging. The value for the fields with a specified aggregation operation will be updated with the calculated value.
  • LastThe feature with the highest ObjectID and its attributes will be maintained while merging. The value for the fields with a specified aggregation operation will be updated with the calculated value.
  • By lengthThe feature with the longest length and its attributes will be maintained while merging. The value for the fields with a specified aggregation operation will be updated with the calculated value.
  • Use defaultsThe feature with the lowest ObjectID will be maintained while merging. The value for the fields with a specified aggregation operation will be updated with the calculated value. The value for fields that are not merge fields or calculated with an aggregation operation will have the value assigned with the default value from the field or subtype when applicable.

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated Features

The derived output that returns the Input Features with the chosen fields updated.

Feature Layer

Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Обязательно Production Mapping

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