Editions and updates

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

In ArcGIS Maritime, there is a distinction between official and sample exports. An official export can be an edition or an update and refers to an export that you expect to deliver to mariners as an official navigational product. You should create a sample export of editions or updates when you are generating an export for quality control, or for any unofficial purpose. The Export Geodatabase To S-57 tool is used to generate official and sample exports.

Official exports

Official exports are managed in the ProductExports table. When you use the Export Geodatabase To S-57 tool, a record of the export is created in the ProductExports table. If you choose the New Edition option for the Export Type parameter, a new record is added to the ProductExports table and the edition (EDTN) attribute value is incremented by 1 for the product that was exported. If you choose Update for the Export Type parameter, a new record is added to the ProductExports table and the update (UPDN) attribute value is incremented by 1.

Sample exports

If you choose the Sample Export option for the Export Type parameter, an S-57 file is generated, but it adds no record of the export to the ProductExports table and the product’s edition and update numbers do not increment. If you accidentally generate a new edition or an update when you intended to create a sample export, you can delete the record from the ProductExports table that was generated for that product.

В этом разделе
  1. Official exports
  2. Sample exports