GeoNames and compatible data

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Production Mapping.

Доступно с лицензией Defense Mapping.

Both GeoNames and other multinational features have two numeric identifiers. GeoNames features have a unique feature identifier (UFI) and a unique name identifier (UNI), and GeoName-compliant features have a named feature identifier field and a name identifier field. The UFI and UNI are linked to the GeoNames table, which contains feature names, as well as information about naming conventions, that apply across all the countries that use GeoName-compliant product specifications.

Linking compliant features with the GeoNames table is a two-step process. First, a GeoNames feature must be associated with a compliant feature, which happens once the UFI is copied into the named feature identifier field for a selected feature, using the GeoNames to Features tool. Once that is done, the Update GeoNames tool searches for the UFI in the GeoNames table and populates the compliant feature's named feature number field and name field with the appropriate feature name.