Generate Summary Table Data (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Aviation Charting.

Краткая информация

Collects information from a source cartographic feature class and related tables in an aviation charting database (AIS) and outputs the resulting information to a stand-alone table.

Summary tables provide a compilation of information describing all the features of a given type that appear on an aviation chart. For example, they may provide information about all the airports that appear on the front and back of a two-sided chart.

This tool gathers attribute information from a source cartographic feature class and optionally from related tables and populates the results in a target stand-alone table. The tool requires a user-configured Summary Table preference, which sets the source cartographic feature class, attributes collected, selection criteria, and target table.

The target stand-alone table can be used as the table source for a table frame in an aviation chart layout.


  • You must configure one or more Summary Table preferences to run the tool. To configure preferences, click the Aviation contextual tab and in Configuration group, click the Preferences button Настройки. Alternatively, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click the Aviation drop-down arrow, and click the Preferences button Настройки.

  • The Charts Table parameter can be used with the AIS_Charts table from the AIS geodatabase schema.

  • Populate the ChartId_Txt field in the AIS_Charts table with a list of areas of interest (AOIs) from the same chart product into one grouping, for example, H-01::H-02.

  • The ChartId_Txt field in the AIS_AOI table must match the value in the AIS_Charts table for each AIS_AOI feature to include in a chart product summary tabulation.

  • The Tags field values in AIS_Charts and AIS_AOI should match for corresponding data. Tags can be used to distinguish chart series such as IFR, High, Low, and VFR, and are used as selection criteria based on Tag values set in the Summary Table preference.

  • The following image shows an example of a populated AIS_Charts table row with its two corresponding AIS_AOI feature rows:

    AIS_Charts table row with corresponding AIS_AOI feature rows populated
  • If you select the Has Panels option for the Summary Table preference, you must populate the AIS_ChartPanels polygon feature class with panel geometry and populate its MapID field with the value of its corresponding AIS_AOI and its PanelId_Txt field with the panel ID.

    The following image shows an example of a populated AIS_ChartPanels table's rows.

    AIS_ChartPanels table with rows populated
  • The Charts Table parameter can accept a polygon feature class as input instead of using the AIS_Charts table. This allows summary tabulations to be made using a different area selection than the AIS_AOI feature groupings.

  • You must create your own polygon feature class to represent the input chart extent and tabulation areas before running the tool.

  • The input polygon feature class must contain the following populated text fields:

    • ChartID_Txt—A unique identifier or chart name, such as New Orleans.
    • Tags—Populated with values matching the Tags values in the Summary Table preference.
  • When using a polygon feature class for the Charts Table parameter, the tool uses the Summary Table preference Tags values to filter the input polygon geometry and AIS_AOI features. The tool then filters the source cartographic features by the filtered AIS_AOI features. Next, the tool uses the filtered polygon feature class to spatially select the filtered source cartographic features.

  • Before you run the tool, you must create the target stand-alone table with the following required Text fields:

    • Preference_Txt—The tool populates the output with the preferences used to create the row.
    • ChartID_Txt—The tool populates the output with the ChartID_Txt value from the Charts Table parameter value.
    • PanelID_Txt or Panels—The tool populates the output with the AIS_ChartPanels.PanelId_Txt value if the Has Panels preference option was used.
  • The target stand-alone table must contain user-created fields that will be populated with source attributes specified in the Summary Table preference.

  • If you run this tool on an enterprise database connection, refresh the output table, or close and re-open the table from the table of contents to view the new rows.

  • The tool makes updates to the target stand-alone table by truncating all existing rows for the selected Summary Table preference and repopulates the data based on the preference.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Target Geodatabase

The Aviation charting schema geodatabase.

Input Preferences

The preferences stored in the database that control how, and for which charts, summary table information will be generated.

Charts Table

The table or polygon feature class that defines chart areas for tabulation. If a table view or layer view is input, its definition query will be honored.

Table View

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Workspace

The workspace populated with information from related tables in the database, based on preferences.


Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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