Load Data (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Архив справки

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Moves features from one schema to another by loading data from a source to a target workspace. Data mapping rules described in a cross-reference database are applied during loading.

Data that matches the schema defined in the cross-reference database for the source is appended to the target workspace. The cross-reference database contains a DatasetMapping table that lists pairs of source and target dataset names. Each source and target name pair can have a WHERE clause and a subtype. The WHERE clause defines a subset of features in the source to append to the target. Subtype identifies a subtype in the target feature class into which features are loaded.


A product file installer is available for ArcGIS Production Mapping and ArcGIS Defense Mapping. The product files contain predefined cross-reference geodatabases that can be used for loading data.

Learn more about Defense Mapping product files


  • The cross-reference database includes other tables that affect load data functionality. These tables enable the following operations:

    • Map fields between data sources.
    • Override values from source to target.
    • Specify different source and target schema owners for enterprise geodatabases.
  • Use the Dataset Mapping Definitions parameter to specify which feature classes or shapefiles to load from the input source to the target workspace. The list of sources and targets comes from the DatasetMapping table in the cross-reference database.

  • You can only set WHERE clauses and subtypes in the DatasetMapping table in the cross-reference database. You cannot set them with the Dataset Mapping Definitions parameter.

  • The ID used in the Dataset Mapping Definitions parameter must refer to an existing row ID in the DatasetMapping table in the cross-reference database. The row in the DatasetMapping table contains the name of the source and target datasets.

  • This tool returns the Source dataset [dataset name] not found or is inaccessible warning message for each source feature class listed in the cross-reference database that is not found in the input sources workspace.

  • This tool returns the Target dataset [dataset name] not found or is inaccessible warning message for each target feature class listed in the cross-reference database that is not found in the target workspace.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Cross-reference Database

The path to a cross-reference database.

Input Sources

A list of workspaces that contain the source features that will be loaded into the target workspace.

Input Target Workspace

The target workspace that contains the schema referenced in the cross-reference database. Source features are loaded into this workspace.

Dataset Mapping Definitions

The source to target feature class mapping list. The format of this string is id | SourceDataset | TargetDataset | WhereClause | Subtype.

Log row level errors

Specifies whether the tool will log errors that occur while inserting new rows into feature classes and tables in the Input Target Workspace parameter.

  • Checked—Errors that occur during individual row-level inserts will be logged. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Errors that occur during individual row-level inserts will not be logged.

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Target Workspace

The database where the Input Sources parameter value will be loaded.


Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Обязательно Production Mapping

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