Validate Spot Heights (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Архив справки

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Validates that spot heights are higher than or equal to their respective contour top, and based on the contour interval, that a contour top is not missing a contour line between it and a spot height.



    Этот инструмент изменяет входные значения. Более подробно о стратегиях предотвращения нежелательных изменений данных см. в разделе Инструменты, которые изменяют или обновляют входные данные.

  • This tool identifies features in the Spot Features parameter value that don't pass the validation. Review the values in the IS_VALID field of the selected features.

  • Contour tops refer to an elevation surrounded by lower elevation contour lines. Contour tops must be polylines that start and end at the same vertex.

  • The Contour Interval parameter value is used to determine if there is a missing contour line between the contour top and the spot height. For example, if the Contour Interval parameter value is set to 20 and the elevation difference between the spot height and contour top is 40, the spot height will be selected.

  • This tool will update the values for the IS_VALID field as follows:





    Not highest point in top


    This value can only be returned when the Use Input Rasters for Validation parameter is checked.


    Incorrect contour interval


    Invalid contour or spot elevation


    This can occur when a contour is a depression and as a result, the spot's elevation is higher than that of the contour, or vice-versa.


    Spot not in contour

    If the IS_VALID field does not exist on the feature class, the tool will create it.

  • When the Use Input Rasters for Validation parameter is unchecked, it is assumed that all contours are tops and flag spots that are lower than their surrounding contour. The tool will still validate that there is no missing contour line between a contour top and its associated spot height using the Contour Interval parameter value.

  • Using an elevation raster equips the tool with more logic to validate spot heights. The raster is used to identify contour tops and bottoms, as well as compare the raster height values with the height values for the spot heights.

  • Ensure that the height values of the elevation raster closely match the height values of the Input Contours and Input Spot Heights parameter values. The more the elevation values differ, the more likely false positives will be returned by the tool. For best results, use the elevation raster that was used to generate the contour lines and spot heights.

  • If an elevation raster with height values that closely match the height values of the Input Contours and Input Spot Heights parameter values is not available, uncheck the Use Input Rasters for Validation parameter.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Contours

The contour features that will be used to validate the spot heights.

Feature Layer
Contour Height Field

The field that contains elevation values for the Input Contours parameter value. The field type must be numeric.

Contour Interval

The interval, or distance, between contour lines. The value can be any positive number. The default is 20.

Input Rasters

The rasters that will be used to derive elevations of points inside contours.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer
Input Spot Features

An existing point feature layer that contains spot heights that will be validated.

Feature Layer
Spot Height Field

The field that contains elevation values for the Input Spot Features parameter value.

Area of Interest

The extent that contains the spot heights that will be validated. This parameter does not accept point layers as valid input and must have only one selected feature.

Feature Layer
Z Factor

The unit conversion factor that will be used when validating spot heights to convert the contour elevation value unit of measurement to match the raster's unit of measurement. The default is 1.

For example, if the input raster's elevation values are in meters but the contours are in feet, set the z-factor to 3.28084 (1 meter = 3.28084 feet).

Use Input Rasters for Validation

Specifies whether the Input Rasters parameter value will be used to validate the spot heights.

  • Checked—The Input Rasters parameter value will be used to validate the spot heights. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The Input Rasters parameter value will not be used to validate the spot heights.

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated Spot Features

The Input Spot Features parameter value with updated attribution for spot heights.

Feature Layer

Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Обязательно Production Mapping

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