Create and append to association and aggregation relationships

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

You can create association or aggregation relationships in the Relationship Manager pane. You can also append selected features to an existing association or aggregation.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or existing project.
  3. Add maritime data to the map, if necessary.

    The Maritime S-57 tab appears.

  4. On the Maritime S-57 tab, in the S-57 Editing group, click Relationship Manager Менеджер отношений.

    The Relationship Manager pane appears.

  5. In the View Relationships By section, click Selection.
  6. Select the feature on the map to which you want to add a relationship.
  7. Perform one or more of the following to create relationships:

    Create an aggregation relationship

    Click the Add button Добавить on the Aggregations node.

    Create an association relationship

    Click the Add button Добавить on the Associations node.

    Append chosen features to an existing association or aggregation

    Select the features that are participating and click the Add button Добавить on the node of the relationship to which you want to append the selected features.

    Relationship Manager Aggregations and Associations nodes

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