Create spatial attributes

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

You can create spatial attributes to associate the quality of position (QUAPOS) and positional accuracy (POSACC) attributes to an edge in an S-57 dataset.

Spatial attributes can be encoded in two ways, depending on the geometry type. For point feature classes, such as DangersP, the values are encoded on the feature. For line and polygon feature classes, such as CoastlineL, the values are encoded in the PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature class by digitizing a coincident line feature along a portion of the line or polygon feature.

The PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature class is a supporting feature class in the Nautical feature dataset that is used to preserve the attributes of an edge that does not exist in the production database. During export, when a PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature is detected coincident with the edge of a feature, that feature is assigned the quality and accuracy values in the coincident PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature.


When editing, it is important to consider existing PLTS_SpatialAttributeL features. If features that are coincident with spatial attribute features are moved, the spatial attribute feature must also be moved, or deleted if no longer required.

To create a spatial attribute for a line or polygon feature such as a portion of a coastline, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or existing project.
  3. If necessary, create a geodatabase that uses an ArcGIS Maritime schema and import S-57 data.
  4. Add the PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature class and the feature class containing the features that you want to create spatial attributes for, such as CoastlineL, to the map.

    The Maritime S-57 tab appears.


    To symbolize maritime data with INT1 symbology, use the Maritime.lyrx layer file that is included with the ArcGIS Maritime product files at <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-57.

  5. On the Maritime S-57 tab, in the S-57 Editing group, click the Compilation Scale drop-down arrow and choose a scale.

    This value represents the scale at which data is created. You can choose a value from the list or provide a custom value. Setting a compilation scale ensures that all created features are attributed with the correct scale.


    Ensure that the compilation scale is set at a value that corresponds to the compilation scale of the feature for which you want to capture the spatial attribute feature.

  6. On the status bar, at the lower left corner of the map view, click Snapping Замыкание to turn on snapping.

    The Snapping icon is highlighted when snapping is enabled.

    Snapping icon

  7. Zoom or pan to the feature for which you want to associate a spatial attribute, if necessary.
  8. On the Maritime S-57 tab, in the Features group, click Create Создать объекты to open the Create Features pane.
  9. In the Create Features pane, select the PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature template.

    The construction toolbar appears at the bottom of the map.

    Construction toolbar containing segment tools, intersections tools, and optional settings

  10. In the Create Features pane, next to the tool palette, click the arrow next to PLTS_SpatialAttributeL.

    The tool palette and the feature attribute table for the template appear in the pane.

  11. In the attribute table, locate the Quality of position (P_QUAPOS) attribute and choose a value from the drop-down list.

    The spatial attribute features that you create in the following steps will be attributed with this value.

  12. On the construction toolbar, click Trace Трассировка.

    You can use the Trace tool Трассировка to create a spatial attribute feature that is coincident with the line or polygon feature, such as a coastline.

  13. In the map, click the feature where you want to begin creating the spatial attribute.

    Vertex placed along the edge of a CoastlineL feature

    The first vertex is created and a dashed line appears along the feature as you drag the pointer.


    If there are other layers in the map, you can set the feature layer you want to trace as the only snappable layer to prevent tracing other intersecting layers.

  14. Drag the pointer slowly along the feature to create the PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature.
  15. Double-click to end the tracing process and finish the sketch.
  16. Repeat steps 13 through 15 to create more spatial attribute features.
  17. On the Maritime S-57 tab, in the Manage Edits group, click SaveСохранить изменения to save your edits.

When the product is exported, the S-57 feature will have an edge with QUAPOS information, encoded along the portion where the PLTS_SpatialAttributeL feature was created.

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