Подпись | Описание | Тип данных |
Input Feature Dataset | An existing feature dataset that will contain the ASG_ feature classes. The feature classes will be created if they do not exist. | Feature Dataset |
Area Of Interest | A feature layer with a single selected feature that will be used to identify the center and surrounding AOIs. Adjoining sheets features will be created from the selected AOI and the intersecting AOIs as required. | Feature Layer |
Input Land Features (Дополнительный) | Land features that will be used to generate adjoining sheets features in the ASG_COAST_A and ASG_COAST_L feature classes in the target feature dataset. | Feature Layer |
Scale (Дополнительный) | Specifies the factor by which the extent of the Area Of Interest parameter value will be expanded. The expanded extent will be used to select adjoining AOIs. Data from the adjoining AOIs will be included in the adjoining sheets diagram.
| String |
Clip AOI to Sheets (Дополнительный) | Specifies whether the AOI created for the extent of the adjoining sheets diagram will be clipped to the extents of the sheets to be displayed.
| Boolean |
Buffer Size (Дополнительный) | The size of the buffer that will be used to select sheets over a custom AOI. This parameter is active when the Scale parameter is set to None. | Linear Unit |
Производные выходные данные
Подпись | Описание | Тип данных |
Modified Feature Dataset | The feature dataset with updated ASG features. | Feature Dataset |