Add Data To BIS (Bathymetry)

Краткая информация

Registers raster and feature class data to a Bathymetric Information System (BIS).


  • The Target Workspace parameter value must be a workspace that contains a BIS.

  • Inputs can be datasets, spatial data types, or workspaces. Nonspatial data types, such as tables, are not valid inputs.

  • Multiple datasets can be added to the BIS at the same time; however, datasets with elevation values should share the same Vertical Units and Directionality parameter values. The vertical units and directionality values that are provided will be used for all datasets added at once.

  • You must have read access to both the input workspace and the target workspace to add data to the BIS.

  • Refresh the layers in the List By Data Source tab of the Contents pane to see datasets added by other users when adding data to an enterprise geodatabase BIS.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Target Workspace

The enterprise or file geodatabase where the BIS is located.

Input Data

The input workspaces, datasets, layers, or feature classes that contain the data that will be added to the target BIS.

Workspace; Feature Layer; Image Service; Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer; Layer File; ServerConnection; TIN Layer
Input Types

Specifies the types of data that will be included from any workspaces provided in the Input Data parameter. All data types are included by default.

  • Feature ClassFeature classes will be included.
  • Feature ServiceFeature services will be included.
  • Image ServiceImage services will be included.
  • Layer FileLayer files will be included.
  • Map ServiceMap services will be included.
  • Mosaic DatasetMosaic datasets will be included.
  • Raster DatasetRaster datasets will be included.
  • Scene Layer PackageScene layer packages will be included.
  • TINTIN datasets will be included.
Include Subfolders

Specifies whether the contents of a workspace subfolder will be added to the BIS. This parameter is not applicable to file or enterprise geodatabases.

  • Checked—Valid data found in the subfolders will be added to the BIS.
  • Unchecked— Subfolder contents will not be added to the BIS. This is the default.
Footprint Type

Specifies whether the footprint will be the full extent of the dataset or a precise domain representing the approximate boundary of the input dataset.

  • Envelope The footprint will be the full extent of the dataset. This is the default.
  • Precise DomainThe footprint will be a polygon that is the approximate boundary of the input dataset.
Vertical Units

Specifies the vertical units that will be used for the depth data.

  • Meters The vertical units will be meters.
  • Feet The vertical units will be feet.
  • US Survey Feet The vertical units will be U.S. Survey feet.
  • Fathoms The vertical units will be fathoms.

Specifies the directionality of the elevation data.

  • Positive UpThe directionality of the elevation data will be positive up.
  • Positive DownThe directionality of the elevation data will be positive down.
BAG Metadata Mapping File

The metadata mapping file that contains the XML element tree mapping information for Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) internal metadata. This metadata mapping file can be used if the BisCatalog includes the fields listed in the BAG metadata mapping file. The mapping file is provided in the ArcGIS Bathymetry product data files at <installation location>\ArcGIS Bathymetry\Product Files\<version>\bag_metadata_mapping.txt. The tool will automatically populate this location; however, the parameter value can be edited if the file has been installed in a different location. If the BAG metadata mapping file is used, internal BAG metadata will be extracted from input BAGs and the values will be populated in the BisCatalog.

Update Overviews

Specifies whether overviews and statistics for a mosaic dataset will be calculated and updated.

  • Checked—Overviews and statistics will be calculated and updated. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Overviews and statistics will not be calculated and updated.


Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Updated BIS

The updated BIS workspace.


arcpy.bathymetry.AddDataToBIS(target_workspace, in_data, {input_types}, {include_subfolders}, {footprint_type}, {vertical_units}, {directionality}, {in_bag_metadata_mapping_file}, {update_overviews})
ИмяОписаниеТип данных

The enterprise or file geodatabase where the BIS is located.


The input workspaces, datasets, layers, or feature classes that contain the data that will be added to the target BIS.

Workspace; Feature Layer; Image Service; Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer; Layer File; ServerConnection; TIN Layer

Specifies the types of data that will be included from any workspaces provided in the in_data parameter. All data types are included by default.

  • FEATURE_CLASSFeature classes will be included.
  • FEATURE_SERVICEFeature services will be included.
  • IMAGE_SERVICEImage services will be included.
  • LAYER_FILELayer files will be included.
  • MAP_SERVICEMap services will be included.
  • MOSAIC_DATASETMosaic datasets will be included.
  • RASTER_DATASETRaster datasets will be included.
  • SCENE_LAYER_PACKAGEScene layer packages will be included.
  • TINTIN datasets will be included.

Specifies whether the contents of a workspace subfolder will be added to the BIS. This parameter is not applicable to file or enterprise geodatabases.

  • INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERSValid data found in the subfolders will be added to the BIS.
  • NOT_INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERS Subfolder contents will not be added to the BIS. This is the default.

Specifies whether the footprint will be the full extent of the dataset or a precise domain representing the approximate boundary of the input dataset.

  • ENVELOPE The footprint will be the full extent of the dataset. This is the default.
  • PRECISE_DOMAINThe footprint will be a polygon that is the approximate boundary of the input dataset.

Specifies the vertical units that will be used for the depth data.

  • METERS The vertical units will be meters.
  • FEET The vertical units will be feet.
  • FEET_US The vertical units will be U.S. Survey feet.
  • FATHOMS The vertical units will be fathoms.

Specifies the directionality of the elevation data.

  • POSITIVE_UPThe directionality of the elevation data will be positive up.
  • POSITIVE_DOWNThe directionality of the elevation data will be positive down.

The metadata mapping file that contains the XML element tree mapping information for Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) internal metadata. This metadata mapping file can be used if the BisCatalog includes the fields listed in the BAG metadata mapping file. The mapping file is provided in the ArcGIS Bathymetry product data files at <installation location>\ArcGIS Bathymetry\Product Files\<version>\bag_metadata_mapping.txt. The tool will automatically populate this location; however, the parameter value can be edited if the file has been installed in a different location. If the BAG metadata mapping file is used, internal BAG metadata will be extracted from input BAGs and the values will be populated in the BisCatalog.


Specifies whether overviews and statistics for a mosaic dataset will be calculated and updated.

  • UPDATE_OVERVIEWSOverviews and statistics will be calculated and updated. This is the default.
  • NOT_UPDATE_OVERVIEWSOverviews and statistics will not be calculated and updated.

Производные выходные данные

ИмяОписаниеТип данных

The updated BIS workspace.


Пример кода

AddDataToBIS example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the AddDataToBIS function.

# Import arcpy module and toolbox
import arcpy

# Identify tool parameters
target_workspace = r"C:\Data\BIS.gdb"
input_data = r"C:\Data\datasets"
input_types = None
include_subfolders = "INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERS"
footprint_type = "PRECISE_DOMAIN"
vertical_units = "METERS"
directionality = "POSITIVE_UP"
bag_metadata_mapping_file = r"C:\ArcGIS Bathymetry\Product Files\3.4\bag_metadata_mapping.txt"
update_overviews = "UPDATE_OVERVIEWS"

# Run the tool
updated_bis = arcpy.bathymetry.AddDataToBIS(target_workspace, input_data, input_types, include_subfolders, footprint_type, vertical_units, directionality, bag_metadata_mapping_file, update_overviews)

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Bathymetry, 3D Analyst
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Bathymetry, 3D Analyst

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